Monday, June 24, 2013

In Grave Condition

S - Like 11:43-44 (TLJ): "It will be bad for you Pharisees because you love to have the most important seats in the synagogues. And you love for people to show respect to you in the marketplaces. It will be bad for you, because you are like hidden graves. People walk on them without knowing it."

O - The Pharisees considered themselves to be strict adherents to the Scriptures and as a result to be the 'salt of the earth' type of people.  From their vantage point (distorted and myopic) the world was not only better off because they were on earth it would be even better if all people were like them.  For all the words of Scripture they quoted and the religious rules they engaged nothing was farther from the truth than their conclusions.  People, even those doing the respecting and giving them the best seats, were NEVER better off for being in contact with them.  In fact they were worse off … in scriptural imagery the people were literally made unclean because of their interaction with them.  

A - Jesus' point is not that I should try and find some "religious" people to disrespect. Neither is he asking me to wreak havoc in religious services.  What he is wanting me to do is to NOT be a Pharisee. The Pharisees claimed to love God but really loved the praises of people and money (Luke 16:14; John 5:39-44). Jesus calls me to love God and love my neighbor as myself.  According to Jesus all Scriptures hang on this ongoing response to God and to others, are fulfilled in this response and if I'll do it will end in eternal life.  There is nothing more important than loving according to these Superlatives … nothing.  Today I accept and embrace this assignment from Jesus.

P - Lord who is love,
Thank you that you don't want me to love things or religious expressions or the praises of people.  You want me to love God and love people.  This is to be done with all my might, heart, mind and soul.  I say yes to you and to this. 
In Jesus' Name,


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