Sunday, June 2, 2013

Change the World … Breakfast Anyone?

S - John 21:12-14 (NAS): "Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." None of the disciples ventured to question Him, "Who are You?" knowing that it was the Lord. Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and the fish likewise. This is now the third time that Jesus was manifested to the disciples, after He was raised from the dead."

O - This is third time Jesus appears to the "boys" and the forty day meter is running (Acts 1:3).  First of all, should they really take the time to eat?  I mean, can't they eat after he lectures and instructs for some hours? With a glorified body the common opinion is that Jesus didn't need to eat … but could if he wished.  Why would he choose a fishing expedition and breakfast as the venue for his third visit?  Not only will they eat together, Jesus is actually cooking the breakfast and serving it.  Again, this seem so "off" to our way of assessing the stewardship of time and function.  The purpose of human life, Jesus included, never flickers: love.  Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself … love each other the way I have love you.  The next time we're thinking about all that needs to be done and all the great projects, challenges and accomplishments we intend to engage … just maybe we should sit down together over breakfast so we won't take ourselves too seriously and our world will change because we're following Jesus according to love. Breakfast anyone?

A - The original band of followers believed Jesus and his words and so the world changed.  Since that time, we either won't believe him or we change his words into what we think will work better and our world tragically stays the same.  Today, (and every day) his person and presence is available and his words the same … why don't we start believing him about earth since we are saying we do believe him about heaven?  Today I will accept my purpose of loving God and loving others as the only priority for my day and I will engage the work of believing … unto new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean, that which is too wonderful for me and my world changing.

P - Lord who loves … really loves,
Today I say please enable to me live your words about earth and follow you unto my life being transformed and my world changing.  I am asking for help, not self-help. I am admitting my misunderstandings about priorities, time and how your kingdom is.  Please put the yeast of your kingdom into the little batch of my life and displace the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod.  I will be little and ask big … unto all you already have in mind.


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