Saturday, April 25, 2020

True or False?

S - "Watch out for false prophets! They dress up like sheep, but inside they are wolves who have come to attack you. You can tell what they are by their fruit. No one picks grapes or figs from thornbushes. A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. Every tree producing bad fruit will be chopped down and burned. You can tell who the false prophets are by their fruit." Matthew 7 TS

O - In the mind and teaching of Jesus a false prophet is not determined by what they say but by how they live. Religion wants the determination to be about information and scripture.  God's Kingdom is about relationships and living.  Earth's emphasis is on informational accuracy and Heaven's focus is on relational authenticity.  The false prophets of Jesus' day were not living on the edge of society but right in the middle of it.  They were the religious experts and elites; those who engaged the scriptures and the temple.  It turned out that those who read the scriptures and prayed every day, those who tithed and faithfully attended services, were the ones who resisted and ultimately killed Jesus.  "You can tell who the false prophets are by their fruit."

A - The fruit of a life that is true is one where love for God and love for all others is increasing; the fruit of forgiving all, of judging none and of personal, ongoing devotion to the person of Jesus.  It will not be the fruit of flawless living (i.e. never sinning or being mistaken) but of blameless living (i.e. always turning into Jesus and admitting one's failures). The false are willing to believe Jesus about heaven but not about earth.  The true live out loud his instruction on both.  The false use scripture to justify their lives while the true engage it to rectify their lives.    

P - You who are the way, the truth and the life,
I accept the truth that the most pressing problem is the beam in my own eye rather than the sawdust in another's. I admit that the difference between a true follower and false prophet will not be determined by one's theology but by one's living.  So, you lead and I'll follow.  Right religion will never produce or protect … but relational authenticity with you will always do both.  Thank you for loving and wanting the whole world.  
Relying on you,

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Heaven's Need to Know Basis

S - "For 40 days after Jesus had suffered and died, he proved in many ways that he was alive. He appeared to them and spoke about God’s kingdom. … When they were with Jesus, they asked him, “Lord, are you now going to restore Israel as a kingdom?” Jesus said to them, “You don’t need to know the time of those events that only the Father controls. But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.”" Acts 1 TS

O - Humans want to know the plan and heaven wants us to know a person.  Humans get focused on theological understanding and heaven is focused on personal interaction according to the Spirit. Heaven wants us to stay focused (in heart, thought, word and deed) on Jesus; not theological considerations "inspired" by someone's read of Scripture. "Witnesses of me" is the point.   

A - The Good News heaven sends to the whole world (7.7 billion people) is a person, not a plan, a book or a place.  Religion wants its adherents to do witnessing and heaven wants us to be witnesses; material witnesses not the purveyors of scripturally inspired theories and hearsay. When heaven marshalled all its resources to harrow hell and forever change the eternal destiny of the human race it stacked it all behind a face so that we would know that we are loved and wanted not just well resourced. Jesus comes to affirm the most important conclusion heaven wants all people to know:  We are loved and wanted at our worst! He says to me and to all: "If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. My yoke is easy to bear, and my burden is light."

P - Almighty God who gives Jesus to the world,
Thank you for loving us first and most and for refusing to change your mind; for giving us Jesus so we can know and experience you and your love. Since he is the exact representation of you it is my pleasure and duty to keep my life's focus in word, deed and heart on him.  I welcome this privileged assignment and way to live.
Loving you back in Him,