Saturday, December 28, 2013

Heaven Calling Earth

S - Luke 6:33-36 (ISV): "If you do good to those who do good to you, what thanks do you deserve? Even sinners do that.  If you lend to those from whom you expect to get something back, what thanks do you deserve? Even sinners lend to sinners to get back what they lend. Rather, love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind even to ungrateful people and evil people. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."

O - Jesus tells us that God's mercy is to be the compass point for all our interactions with each other. How merciful do we think the Father really is?  According to Jesus, God is so merciful we should love our enemies in tangible and practical ways. He's so merciful we should give and lend freely. He's so kind that even those who are living in direct opposition to his kingdom are included in acts of kindness, provision, opportunity and hope.  To underscore the nature of the mercy and kindness of God, Jesus will go on to live, think, speak and demonstrate this very reality; assuring all that he will only do what he sees his Father doing and say what his Father is saying.  Does the picture, description and conclusion we hold of God's mercy conform to Jesus' words and actions? How we think of the Father and his mercy is how we will treat others.

A - I was taught that God is merciful (there but for the grace of God go I) but I'd better watch out!  The implication was always that his "fuse" was very short and my risk of divine displeasure very great.  Rather than thinking of him as kind and generous in mercy it was more like impatiently tolerant with mercy. The point is not that there is no wrath or judgment but that it is not the place where he starts nor is it his primary response to tragically imperfect people (like me).  Today, toward myself and all others, I am assigned to start at love, lead with mercy and then face the facts … knowing that he is slow to anger and quick to forgive, having no pleasure in the death of the wicked. My assignment is to be a demonstration of love and he will work out the details with people along the way. This is beautiful because it relieves me of the burden of deciding where "the line" is for people. That is not now or ever my place.  I'm assigned the superlatives (the greatest commandments).  He's the only lawgiver and judge.

P - God who is All-powerful and All-merciful,
Thank you for wanting us to this very day; for loving us and for sending, giving, presenting Jesus to us so that we'd be able to see, hear, touch and believe.  Thank you that whenever my life, conclusions, assessments, words and/or attitudes do not conform to Jesus you call me to ask for and embrace transformation.  Father, please transform my being, existence, apparatus for living, thinking, loving, speaking into that of Jesus … who is your exact representation.  I not only want to receive your mercy and love but love and show mercy like you do.  Thank you for making my assignment clear and for insisting that I not attempt to do yours.  Today, cause the life of Jesus (resurrection-class, irrepressible and vibrant) to come into me and out of me. Today let me be as strong in mercy to others as you are to me. I'm asking, hoping and believing this in Jesus' name.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas 'Last Words'

S - Luke 1:30a, 37-38 (TLJ): "The angel said to Mary … God can do anything! Mary said, ' I am the servant of the Lord God. Let this thing you have said happen to me!" Then the angel went away."

O - We live in a day and age where everyone always wants the last word; politicians, teachers, scientists, news commentators and religious leaders most often leading the way.  The Christmas exchange between the angel Gabriel and the young Nazareth virgin Mary (an unlikely pairing) hold the ultimate last words for heaven and for earth; for beings celestial and terrestrial. God's kingdom encompasses both heaven and earth and the last words of heaven to Mary and her last words to Gabriel reveal the only right conclusion both can come to.  Heaven says to all: God can do anything!  The point is not merely academic … it is personal and practical. Earth says to all: I am the servant of the Lord God. Let this thing you have said happen to me.  The beauty of these last words includes relief from our points of origin.  The focus is not where you're from or even what you're made of (heaven or earth) but rather what will be your last words to any day, any situation and any other person? What if we lived and shared these last words every day while it is called today?  Just think what could happen in heaven and on earth and in us!

A - As a human being reaction is a part of my make-up and design.  I can't always control my initial response to anyone or anything.  Fear, shock, anxiety can all emerge immediately and predominately in the midst of life on earth. In fact, fear is how Mary started her encounter with heaven.  She confirms the truth that it's not the first thoughts or words but the last which will really carry the day. My assignment is less about my first reaction and way more about my conclusion to any day, any situation and other person.  I want to embrace and live out loud these last words: God can do anything! Whatever he's up to I’m in!  Let it be to me just as he as planned and purposed!

P - Lord,
You know exactly where I'm from and what I'm made of and you call me to these last words for every day, every situation and every other person.  I do believe this to be true because of Jesus, your written voice and the presence of the Holy Spirit.  So, Lord, please let me follow you in this regard as well.  Let me think, speak and live these last words unto new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and that which is too wonderful for me...unto Merry Christmas for all -- literally!


Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Life and Living

S - 1 Timothy 3:16, 4:15-16 (NIV): "Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great: He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.  … Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers."

O - These words of chapter three are the Christmas Canticle … the singing of heaven and nature, the advent of Jesus who is God.  The words of chapter four help frame our response to the Person who is Christmas … to his advent then, today and that day which is sure to come.  The Lord calls us all to:
1.       personal diligence: this is not only to the activities of “ministry” but to the person and mystery of Jesus.
2.       complete surrender: a whole-hearted and unreserved response day by day.
3.       self-assessment: all application of truth begins with self not with another - the Lord's intent will be lost without ongoing 2X4ology (the log out of my own eye).
4.       steady perseverance: turning in not out, coming near and staying, giving our best even when it’s pathetic, fierce personal loyalty, blameless not flawless.

A - The New Living Translation renders 1 Timothy 4:15-16: "Give your complete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress. Keep a close watch on yourself and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right, and God will save you and those who hear you."  Such a response to the mystery, coming and teaching of Jesus will not only be "good to me" but to "those who hear" me as well.  I want to be someone others not only hear (i.e. they're aware of the sound) but listen to. I want to be a reason others believe in the truly believable and only hope for our world.  I want to live out this relational and ongoing interface with him who is life and to make him glad and to bring him glory.  He is still looking to come into our world person by person … even so come, Lord Jesus!

P - Greatest Mystery, Greatest King, Only Hope for us and our world,
Please come (again and again … unto dwelling) into the dark stable of my life and our world and bring the radiant and irrepressible life and hope which are you. Lord, I know that you've come to me … and to our world and I  want to live out the response which never interferes with the true light which is already shining and the life which is really life.  I am asking this in the context of admitting my ongoing and desperate need of YOU … my life and our world need you all the time not just in rare or challenging times, not just in reflective and quiet times.  Lord, O Lord, in me and through me please increase the mystery and the message of your person, love, power and open-hearted response to the whole world.  Lord, let your unavoidably transforming spirit touch, shape, change, grow and enable my little life to become all it cannot be without you and all you intend for it to be because of you.  Let heaven and nature sing in and through me.
Gloria in excelsis Deo,


Sunday, December 8, 2013


S - Luke 2:44-26 (NIV): "Thinking he was in their company, they traveled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends. When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. … "Why were you searching for me?" he asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" "

O - Apparently, Jesus was a "street kid" for these three nights. A twelve year old on the streets of the big city with no one looking out for him and no place to call his own.  Did he sleep in some corner of the temple courts?  What did he do for food? We're not given any of these details.  When asked by his frantic mother about his days on the street he replied, I had to be about my Father's concerns (Luke 2:49). Most translations add the word "house" but it is not in the original text (Εν τοις του πατρος μου) - literally 'in the Father of me'. His answer is much broader than a location, building or religious system.  Jesus literally thought that his Father was working and that he should work with him … and all the rest would be added.  He believed and lived this at twelve as well as in his thirties.  He also calls all who follow to believe and live this reality with him.   

A - It's great to know that Jesus and his Father are already working.  They aren't waiting for me to work; they're just inviting me to join them.  They don't want me working for them but with them.  They don't want me to believe the lie of the world (secular and religious) that you're really on your own on this planet.  Jesus lives and confirms the truth that we are not alone, not on our own and not our own.  Today, I will believe Jesus about earth and not just about heaven.

P - Lord who lived on the streets,
Thank you for doing this … for living real life on real earth with a real Father and real kingdom; a kingdom that is at hand and not far away reserved for the day I die.  Thank you for working and for inviting me to join you in the work you are doing.  I admit that you already have in mind what you're going to do and I say yes to whatever part in it you have for me.  I am grateful that you want to work in our world and in us. I welcome you and your will like they do in heaven; without hesitation and without reserve. I love you back!


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Caution: Don't Flat-line the Scriptures

S - Matthew 22:35-40 (NIV): "Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

O - Scholars tell us that there are 613 commandments in the Old Testament and 1050 in the New Testament.  The answer Jesus gives to the expert's question reveals more than a statistical ranking. Jesus assumes and affirms that while all Scriptures are inspired they are not all of equal importance.  We know this because he tells us two are more important than all the rest; two are the superlatives … the greatest.  In fact, these two are so important that all others depend (hang) on them.  According to Jesus, regardless of how many commands the Scriptures contain, if these two are not engaged then all the rest are of little or no value (cf. Luke 10:25-37).  

A - Through my graduate education I was basically taught to "flat-line" the Scriptures.  Since all are inspired by God then all are of equal importance or value.  Jesus says different. While all are profitable all are not of the same weight or significance. Why is this so? It is because the Scriptures are given to humans and humans communicate with a range of importance in the things they say.  Jan and I are approaching our 40th wedding anniversary.  Over the years we've engaged in a lot of communication.  All of the communication from Jan to me is inspired by Jan but not all of it is of equal importance.  When Jan asks me to take out the garbage it is a request "fully inspired" by Jan. However, when Jan tells me she loves me … this is of the greatest significance to me of all her "inspired statements" over the years.  Jesus identified the most important instruction for all humans for every day and every situation. Today, I accept this assignment recognizing that as I embrace these two all the rest (promises, principles and instructions) are moving towards me. Also, if I'm not engaging them, all the rest of Scripture is moving away from me regardless of what I claim or pray … all hang on these two. 

P - God who is love,
Thank you for sending Jesus so we would know what you look like and how you want us to respond.  Thank you for engaging us in this way so we would be able to come near and stay near.  I do accept this primary assignment of loving you back and my neighbor as myself.  I admit that the work to which you call me is the work of believing.  I am asking you for help, not self-help.  All of this I say in Jesus' name.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Transformation: Near not How; That not When

S - 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV): "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

O - Transformed (μεταμορφόω:  to change into another form) is the point of the work Jesus is doing in everyone who follows him.  He brings us help not self-help; transformation not reformation. The word metamorphosis comes from this Greek verb and is demonstrated in nature by the caterpillar turned butterfly. How does the caterpillar accomplish this?  By being a caterpillar; by simply living out its design as God intended. The caterpillar does not decide when or how this happens.  In Scripture transformation is demonstrated in the life of Jesus when he went up on the mountain and had a chat with Moses and Elijah.  How did Jesus manage this?  By being Jesus.  How do followers of Jesus become a new creation, a transformed human who reflects his glory? By following, by being his disciple, by staying near! Transformation is his work not ours.

A - Caterpillars don't try to become butterflies … they simply do. Jesus wasn't straining to be transfigured … he simply was.  This is the beauty of Jesus and his followers.  He does the transforming, we stay near and follow.  Transformation is so glorious and heavenly we can't do it.  It is his work and spirit in us which accomplishes this change where heaven touches earth and from glory to glory our lives are, my life is, transformed.  Jesus insists that I hold every life in the hope of transformation … even or especially my own.

P - Lord who helps us,
Thank you for this day and the hope of transformation it already contains by your will, design and presence.  I admit that you've already decided that I should be transformed and conformed into the image of Jesus and this I do welcome and believe.  I'll stay near and follow as your friend and disciple … you'll do the transforming.  Jesus, I'm not asking for self-help but help.  I love you back.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Even When You're Perfect Life Still Isn't

S - Mark 3:20-22, (NIV): "Then he [Jesus] went home. Such a large crowd gathered again that Jesus and his disciples couldn't even eat. When his family heard about it, they went to restrain him, because they kept saying, 'He's out of his mind!' The scribes who had come down from Jerusalem kept repeating, 'He has Beelzebul,' and, 'He drives out demons by the ruler of demons.'"

O - What a "great" welcome home.  His family is thinking he's out of his mind. The religious leaders have assessed and concluded that he himself is demonized and is only able to eject demons by Satan himself.  Home may be where "they have to let you in" but it doesn’t mean they're thinking the best of you or your activities.  Jesus will go on to affirm his true family (those who do the will of God) and his home (not in this world).  It is this way for all who are his.  Even when we're home on earth we're not home yet.  And as for the assessment of others Jesus tells us all (Luke 6:26): "How terrible it will be for you when everyone says nice things about you, because that's the way their ancestors used to treat the false prophets."

A - Well, I can say that this dynamic and expert assessment has been a part of my life's experience.  It really does feel terrible but Jesus wants me to not believe how it feels but to trust his description of how it actually is.  He is the perfect human and yet his family relations and the opinion of those with influence are far from what one would expect.  While I can postulate many reasons as to why this is so, Jesus is really not talking much about it.  Apparently he wants me/us to know that this will happen and to be unintimidated or disheartened by it.  While it is never a comfortable dynamic there is a silver lining. Not only has he left me/us this example but he comes near when these dark occurrences cast their shadow over our lives. The shadows can't remain … he is life, light, love and hope.  He dispels darkness and says to all who follow: do not be discouraged because I am with you; do not be dismayed because all authority is mine and I am with you and for you.

P - Lord who knows all about earth,
Thank you for wanting to be near even when our hearts hurt and our minds misfire and emotions are strong and dark.  You not only know the way you are the way … and you have loved us first and most and won't change your mind.  Let me love all, especially those who are set in opposition to me.  Let me be like you and live out loud the beauty of the freedom of forgiveness.  Jesus, today, I will follow, stay near and believe.  My heart is open to you.
I love you back,


Monday, October 28, 2013

Once is not Enough

S - Mark 1:15 (ISV): "He [Jesus] said, The time in now! The Kingdom of God is near! Repent, and keep believing the gospel."

O - Repent (literally 'change the way you think') is not a onetime activity related exclusively to past sins and theological conclusions on the true identity of Jesus.  Though it includes such, the change in thinking Jesus came for and comes for when two or three gather in his name is an ongoing dynamic of interface with the person who is the gospel (Jesus) and the words, actions, attitudes and optic such an exchange creates in us. Our part in the intentional recalibration and alignment with the Kingdom of God and its nearness. His part is the transformational power and process which enables us to think like Jesus, speak, love, act and live like him.  The time for such an exchange and interaction is always "now." The result will be out of this world in this world … where heaven literally touches earth.

A - The question for this day for me is not have I believed in the past but am I believing right now?  In the current circumstance, status and situation I'm in, am I intentionally turning into the person of Jesus, the Kingdom of which he is the king and the reality of its nearness? Simply, am I choosing to give my all to think like Jesus, speak, act and love like Jesus? The time for this is always now and when we/I do we find him always near … and in his company nothing is impossible, too difficult or too wonderful for him to do.

P - Lord is the Gospel and who is near,
I admit that my natural (lawful) thinking patterns are not like yours.  I also admit that you want into them all unto the transformation of my entire life to be what you've dreamt and intended it to be all along.  Jesus, I welcome you to engage me however you wish and am choosing to engage the change of thinking which embraces you and the nearness of your kingdom.  Lord, I am all in … and holding nothing back.  Do everything it's in your heart to do.  My answer is yes. I do love back. I choose to keep believing.
Glad for your nearness,


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Building According to Specs

S - Luke 6:46-49 (NIV): "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete."

O - Jesus is the message from heaven, the Gospel, the exact picture of his Father.  His words were not his own (John 12:49-50) and his words were NOT limited to things "spiritual" and "eternal".  Jesus speaks plainly about money, daily bread, enemies, forgiveness, judging others, etc., all things of earth.  He instructs his followers of his priorities and his desires for our lives here not just here after. So, the question of Jesus remains: why do you call me Lord and then ignore, deny or excuse yourselves from what I plainly say?  Can we really throw another human being "under the bus" of needing to succeed (secularly or religiously) and think all is well?  Can I worry about and run after what I'm going to eat, wear and store up and not have it drastically hurt my soul, my relationship with God and the building of my life on earth (Matthew 6:25-34)? Jesus' question to Nicodemus remains connected to this picture of wise and foolish builders: how will you believe me about heaven if you won't believe me about earth (John 3:12)?

A - Like the spiritual leaders of Jesus' day most of the leaders of my day don't really believe Jesus and his Father about earth.  They claim to believe. They talk about the kingdom and heaven and hell … but their lives betray the truth that they do not believe Jesus about earth.  As a result I was trained to do the same; to very selectively believe Jesus about earth and to always reserve the blinders of "knowing better" than he does about how "it really works on earth."  I am not angry or unforgiving toward those who taught me this because it's what others taught them; and they were doing the best they knew. According to Jesus, when the blind lead the blind they both end up in the ditch.  The REAL issue for me is the beam, the plank, the 2X4 in my vision.  How will I live today on earth? Will I believe the words of Jesus about earth and not just about heaven?  Will I do what he says or simply continue to give lip service to his Lordship? I will say yes to the person and words of Jesus about heaven and about earth. I will build according to his specifications. I will do what he says. 

P - Lord Jesus,
Thank you for calling me/us to yourself and not just to a place or a principle.  Thank you for being the message and for giving specific instructions about how I am to work with you in the building of my life on earth.  I admit that my primary purpose today is loving you and my neighbor. I admit that the work is believing you and that the only ensign of being your disciple is loving. I admit that I cannot run after what I'm going to eat, wear and store-up and follow you at the same time.  Today, you are already working with your Father and already have in mind what you're going to do.  I accept your grace-filled invitation to work with you.  Lead on, teach on, transform my little life.
I love you back,


Monday, October 14, 2013

Houston--Earth has a Problem

S - Psalm 81:11, 13 (NIV): "But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me. … If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes!"

O - Above are two of the three times in this brief psalm where the problem of listening is identified.  The failure in listening was not a lack of hearing the words but of believing the words heard.  Israel would not believe the words and ways of God on earth.  They would claim the authority of the words but not do them.  This is the perennial problem with humans and culture (secular and religious).  It is the yeast of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herod which ruins the entire batch.

A - The application to my life and to all who claim to follow Jesus is starkly clear.  His question to Nicodemus is the question to all who will follow: How will you believe me about heaven if you will not believe me about earth? (John 3:12). Believing Jesus about earth encompasses the listening of Psalm 81 … not only claiming or using the words but actually living them out on planet earth.  Jesus left his followers only one instruction, commandment, which if we'd do would let the entire world know that the Father sent him and that we were indeed his followers.  The assignment?  Love each other (John 13:34-35; 17:23). 21 centuries later we still won't do it.  Today, my assignment remains the same. To listen, to believe, means that today there is nothing more important for me to do than love; to love God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and my neighbor (7.2 billion minus 1) as myself.  I welcome the insight and wisdom of this Psalm.  I will listen, believe and live out loud on earth the words of Jesus about earth. 

P - You who are the Message sent from Heaven,
Today I will believe you about earth and not just about heaven.  Today I will accept, embrace and engage my primary assignment; the commandment you gave all who follow you … to love you back with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and all others as myself.  I admit that I am prone to claim the words and refuse the meaning. I am asking for the help you promise all who believe … transformation not mere reformation. Jesus, I love you back and am listening.


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Picture ID Required

S - Daniel 9:2-3, 18-19 (NIV): "in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition … Give ear, O God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, hear and act! For your sake, O my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name."

O - These are the concluding lines of Daniel's prayer, inspired by the discovery via Jeremiah that 70 years was the period assigned to Israel's consequence. This prayer is prayed about a year before Cyrus gave the order for the Jews to return (i.e. it's year 69 of 70). Bluntly, with or without Daniel's prayer Cyrus will give the order and the return will begin. Culture (religious theology and secular history) wants to present this petition as a pleading for God to do what he's already said he would rather than an agreement for what God has already promised to do. And herein lies a huge problem; one so immense and pervasive it will take the arrival of Jesus (who is the message from heaven) to confront and contradict it.  The prayer as petition presents a God who is distant, disinterested and stingy. The prayer as agreement presents a God who is near and vitally interested. Daniel's "pleading" comes from the depth of what he is feeling not the person or character of the God to whom he prays.  Jesus tells us that God and his kingdom are not far away (if I should die before I wake …) but very near.  Surrounded by the Roman Empire at its worst Jesus says (Luke 12:6-7) "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

A - Jesus wants me (and all) to change the way I/we think, speak, pray, act and love; to literally repent. He says “When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me." If my picture of the Father is not identical to the picture of Jesus I have the wrong the picture.  The Father of Jesus and the Father of Religious Thought are NOT the same person. It's a confrontation Jesus had with the religious leaders and people of his day and it's one still in process. Today, and every day, I'll believe Jesus and pursue the thinking, living, speaking he identifies and examples. He instructs (Luke 6:35-36): "But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."  I will follow, pray to, serve, believe and love the God and Father of Jesus who is kind, generous and near! 

P - Father of Jesus and Father of me,
Thank you for wanting to be my Father and me to be your child.  Thank you for sending Jesus who is both your message to the world and the exact representation of your person.  I welcome you and all you already intended do, all you're already doing on earth like in heaven.  I choose to repent, to refuse a picture of you which is not identical to Jesus.  Thank you for wanting us at our worst. I need, accept and want to be a conveyor of your relentless love, defiant mercy, overwhelming grace and transforming power. I yield to your awesome brilliance, limitless power and extreme goodness.
In Jesus' name,


Friday, September 27, 2013

Welcome, Come Right This Way ...

S - Luke 7:37-38, 47-48 (NIV): "When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.  … Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven--for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.  Then Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven."

O - What was it about Jesus that made this particular sinful woman think she could (let alone should) do what she did?  How did she ever conclude that her actions would not only be tolerated but accepted and affirmed by the only human being known to be sinless? According to Jesus, both the woman and the Pharisee were sinners.  Interestingly enough, Jesus is willing to be friends with both of them.  The ultimate distinguishing feature would not be their lifestyles, histories or religious moorings. The difference would be found in their response to person of Jesus. The basis of the exchange between them all was love not moral agreement, theological rubrics or religious formulas.  Jesus, friend of sinners.  Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever.

A - Today there is only one purpose for my life and the lives of all who are following Jesus: love God with all the heart, mind, soul and strength and our neighbors as ourselves.  According to Jesus all the law and prophets are filled in this, everything depends on this and if we'll do this we will live forever.  My world (secular and religious) wants me to believe that there are occasions and exceptions to this; certain very important settings and circumstances where I may "temporarily" set aside the greatest imperative.  Jesus doesn't want me to believe that at all.  I will believe Jesus, love him back and love my neighbor (anyone who is not me) today while it's called today.

P - Lord God,
Thank you that you want me to think that I am wanted by heaven.  You want me/ us (no matter where we've been or what we've done) to come near and stay near according to love. I admit that you call me to yourself according to love and ask, instruct, insist that love be my primary purpose above all others and that the only real work to which you call us is the work of believing you … your beautiful, accessible, irrepressible person.  I give myself to you and to all you already have in mind.  I do love you back and remain amazed at you and your relentless love for all.
Loving much,


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sent the Same Way

S - John 20:21-23 (TLJ): "Then Jesus said again, 'Peace be with you. It was the Father who sent me, and I am now sending you in the same way.' Then he breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of anyone, their sins are forgiven. If there is anyone whose sins you don't forgive, their sins are not forgiven.'"

O - In what "way" was Jesus sent by the Father?  Certainly in and by the Spirit. Yet, the immediate application of the Spirit's presence was connected to forgiving sins rather than demonstrating the Spirit's gifts of power. The issue of forgiving or not forgiving sins was not empowering the disciples to "send someone to hell" by refusing forgiveness; but a commission to never refuse to forgive.  It's an assignment with a caution not an enablement with a threat. The way of Jesus is the way of unflickering forgiveness; relentless love; defiant mercy.

A - Jesus is the way and he calls me to follow him in that same way … the way he was sent by his Father.  It is not the way of this world (secular and religious). The way of this world is always afraid of something and the way of Jesus and his Father is the way which fears nothing and always loves all.  This how Jesus was sent … not to condemn, not to judge (and he's even THE Judge), but to serve, forgive, love and call all to come near and stay near.  Today I will come near, stay near and follow him in the way that IS Jesus. It's the only way the Father sends.

P - You Who leads, sends and is with us always,
Today is in your hands and so am I; whatever the circumstances and/or logistics coming my way the way remains the same.  I choose you, your way, you who are the way.  I want to start at love, lead with mercy and then face the facts (mine and others).  I choose to forgive any and all and admit that this alone is the marker of my own forgiveness.  Thank you for tying the forgiveness of heaven to my forgiving on earth … it is most helpful.  You lead; I'll follow unto the life that is really life.
All my love,


Monday, September 16, 2013

Forget the Ball; Keep Your Eye on the Sparrow

S - Job 35:1-8 (NIV): "Then Elihu said: "Do you think this is just? You say, 'I will be cleared by God.' Yet you ask him, 'What profit is it to me, and what do I gain by not sinning?' "I would like to reply to you and to your friends with you.  Look up at the heavens and see; gaze at the clouds so high above you. If you sin, how does that affect him? If your sins are many, what does that do to him? If you are righteous, what do you give to him, or what does he receive from your hand? Your wickedness affects only a man like yourself, and your righteousness only the sons of men."

O - Elihu captures the bi-polar experience of humans when the misery of God’s mysterious and brilliant ways overtakes them.  Surrounded by the difficulties of inexplicable circumstances we humans vacillate between utter despair (I quit following because it's futile) and God's character and unfailing love (He loves me and is working everything for good). He also identifies the reality of God's insular existence and his unflinching decision to not live in it.  By nature he has no need and there is no one/nothing that can unilaterally affect him. Yet, this story will conclude with the beauty of God's ongoing connection with and commitment to the creatures/humans he has made.  He is insular by nature and yet he chooses to directly interface with his creation. Jesus asks (Luke 12:6-7):"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

A - God Almighty, Heaven, Jesus and the Scriptures all confirm that regardless of how things may currently appear, we are not alone, not on our own and not our own.  This will be Job's discovery and experience and this continues to be mine. Not once or twice but repeatedly.  I have been in the bi-polar dynamics described and my opinion is that I will be in them again.  Not only so, but I will not be in them alone and God is not offended when this wild swing from one extreme to the other is "rocking my world."  I used to think the goal was getting to such a state that I would never be subject to such fits.  While the frequency may diminish over time … this is not the point.  A lack of despair can come from sources other than confidence in God (e.g. emotional collapse/shut down, current human resource to overcome the situation "without God", ignorance/naiveté, etc.). The "goal" is the same regardless of boon or battle, undeserved challenge or unexpected blessing. Today I will not be the master of all my circumstances but I can choose where and how I will live.  Today, I will abide in him, in his love and in his words unto the life that is really life.  He is for us, with us and will not change his mind.  Today I will live in the confident reality that I am loved and not alone; that I am loved and not on my own; and that I am loved and not my own.

P - Lord who is love and is near,
I thank you for being the author of every day and for committing to work every thing in it for good. I admit (according to your awesome brilliance, limitless power and extreme goodness) that you are purposeful in everything you cause and in everything you allow.  I choose (according to the grace that is in Jesus) to abide in you, your words and your love … unto new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and to that which is too wonderful for me.  I love you back and say YES to all that is in your heart and mind to do.  I will follow and stay near … all the rest I leave where it belongs … your will on earth like it happens in heaven. I'll watch for you and when my vision is weak I'll look for and keep my eyes on the sparrows.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Don't be Like this Psalm of Asaph!

S - Psalm 79:1, 6, 8-9, 12-13 (NIV): "O God, the nations have invaded your inheritance; they have defiled your holy temple, they have reduced Jerusalem to rubble. … Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not acknowledge you, on the kingdoms that do not call on your name; …  Do not hold against us the sins of the fathers; may your mercy come quickly to meet us, for we are in desperate need.  Help us, O God our Savior, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our sins for your name's sake. …Pay back into the laps of our neighbors seven times the reproach they have hurled at you, O Lord. Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will praise you forever; from generation to generation we will recount your praise."

O - The historical context of these words is the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon and resulting destruction. There is however one glaring silence this psalm doesn't mention.  Israel had been defiling the temple for generations and reducing to “rubble” the worship and lives of the people.  Asaph is asking for retribution against those who hurled reproaches at the Lord yet the Old Testament Prophets called Israel to account for this same tragic activity. This psalm assumes only Israel is included as the Lord's people; another blind spot the Prophets speak to correct.  Finally, this psalm promises something religion/culture often promises but never delivers … forever loyalty from generation to generation.  O yes and one more cultural religious blind spot: forgive our sins but don't forgive theirs.

A - The religious, cultural mindset of this psalm is that which Jesus came to transform/destroy.  It examples the blindness of the Pharisees who claimed to see and reveals the filth of the inside of the cup he calls all people to admit and address.  I admit that I am vulnerable to this sad way of thinking and responding.  The remedy? Jesus' daily help with getting and keeping the plank out of my own eye and a focus on keeping the inside of the cup clean. 

P - Lord who transforms,
I do admit my capacity to want mercy for my sins and judgment for others. I am asking for help … for transformation! I need the yeast of your kingdom and to have the yeast of the Pharisees expelled from my life.  I present the inside of the cup to you for transformation and for your ongoing help in getting and keeping the plank out of my own eye. Jesus, thank for having sheep from other folds. I want to be among them.
Calling to you,


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

All Things not Just Some Things

S - Revelation 3:19-20 (NIV): “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."

O - These words spoken by Jesus to believers identify very specific expectations he has on those who have come near.  Most of us have heard about the Lord's discipline according to love. The expectation is not that we'll never need any discipline or rebuke but rather that we'll respond to it by changing the way we think, speak and live (i.e. repent in its fullest and intended sense). The folks receiving this instruction were experiencing a serious uptick in their financial status.  Their personal booming economies had rendered them lukewarm and put them at great risk here and hereafter.  Religion/culture wants us to change the way we think about some things - Jesus wants to change the way I/we think, live, speak about everything.  He wants into one's entire life, one’s whole heart, having set his sights on a complete transformation.

A - Jesus wants into my complete life every day while it is called today.  I admit I normally think that when the blessings are rolling in one is in complete favor with God.  This is not true, has never been true and never will be true. Also, repentance (literally – change your thinking) is not reserved for sins but is required for all of my life, every quadrant and optic … I am always at risk to see myself or others like trees walking; to be thinking logically but not rightly; to have in mind the things of humans rather than the things of God. Jesus stands today wanting into my life and his desire is not for another Bible study or worship service. He wants in so that we can be together (eat today's main meal together) with his irrepressible life and transformation flowing into me unto the life that is really life.

P - Lord who loves unto rebuke and discipline,
Thank you for wanting in, for caring, for calling out to anyone who will hear your voice. Lord, I throw open the door/gate of my life to you and say please come in and see everything. Do everything that is in your heart to do and please enable me, according to your irrepressible life and power, to change and be changed.  I am edgy today and not exactly sure why. I am very sure that I am in desperate need of you, your company and care because that's how I am every day, all the time. I am very grateful to be called to you and to the beauty of change. Lord, I engage repentance unto eyes that see, hears that hear and a heart that understands - kata karis (according to grace).
Looking forward to our meal together,


Monday, August 26, 2013

Confession - Good for the Soul; Insufficient for Forgiveness?

S - 1 John 1:8-9 (NIV): “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

O - When we think of the need all of us have for forgiveness these verses are clear but they are not complete.  Jesus has something to say about forgiveness … an essential instruction which includes MORE than confessing.  Jesus says (Matthew 6:14-15) "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." This unflinching reality is repeated by Jesus (Matthew 18:35; Mark 11:25; Luke 6:37). It also forms the basis for how he teaches us to pray and receive forgiveness (Matthew 6:12; Luke 11:4). According to Jesus, we must not deceive ourselves into thinking that we will be granted forgiveness if we are unwilling to give it.  Loving God with all we are and our neighbors as ourselves is always the most important, the greatest commandment. Jesus tell us that everything hangs on these and if we do them we will live (cf. Matthew 22:40; Luke 10:28).

A - As a follower of Jesus why would I think that confessing alone would be enough to garner forgiveness when the One I'm following repeatedly says it won’t?  Perhaps it’s because I was taught to separate my standing with God from human's standing with me.  This is a separation Jesus never condones or allows and one the Scriptures do not present us. Today I will not only be a consumer of forgiveness but a distributer as well; a combination keeping me from deception and near Jesus.

P - Lord who is quick to forgive,
Thank you for insisting that I learn this response toward all others and not just try and "get my own" from you.  I'm choosing to forgive any and all … and welcoming the relief of loving others the way I'm being loved by you.  Thank you for the superlatives--the greatest and most important activity of any day, hour, circumstance and/or situation.  Lord, I will love you back and my neighbors as myself.
Glad to be near Jesus,


Monday, August 19, 2013

Note to Self: Jesus is NOT Dr. Phil from Heaven

S - Matthew 15:16-20 (NAS): "Jesus said, "Are you still lacking in understanding also? “Do you not understand that everything that goes into the mouth passes into the stomach, and is eliminated? "But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man.” For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders. "These are the things which defile the man; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man.""

O - Religion (culture) focuses on what is seen (hands washed or not).  The Kingdom focuses on what is unseen (the condition of the heart).  Culture wants a better person and the Kingdom insists on a transformed person.  Religion teaches people self-help while the Kingdom offers people help.  The first is always talking about getting things out (anger, lies, greed, sexual immorality, etc.) reducing the volume and becoming "a little better". The latter is making itself available to come into the complete and sad internal reality transforming it and creating a "new self." Religion wants us to work harder to get such things "out" while the Kingdom wants us to constantly throw open our lives to the person of Jesus and his transforming, irrepressible, powerful, vibrant and eternal life.  Culture puts and keeps the pressure on the person.  Jesus comes and takes the heavy load from the person. One of the countless beauties of the presence and person of Jesus is that he is not "Dr. Phil" from heaven bringing us a new and improved version of self-help. He is the friend of sinners and re-creator of all bringing us help not self-help.

A - In the physical world how does one get darkness out of a room?  I can't get darkness out I need to bring light in.  Culture (secular and religious) is forever telling me/us to get darkness out while God's Kingdom is forever calling me/us to let light in … and light is a person.  Jesus said, 'I am the light of the world.'  Religion wants me to get out anger and the Kingdom wants me to welcome in compassion. The first wants hate out while the second wants love in.  The former tells me to expel anxiety while the latter calls me to let peace in.  Religion always wants more while the Kingdom only wants all.  Today I will throw open my complete life to him who has loved me first, most and refuses to change his mind … unto the transformation only he can accomplish.

P - Lord who wants in,
I want you into it all.  You are light, come into my darkness.  You are peace, come into my anxiety.  You are love, come into my hate.  You are compassion, come into my anger.  I welcome you and your will on earth/in me like it happens in heaven.  I say with the leper, Lord if you're willing YOU can make me clean.  I know you are willing and so I say YES to all you have in mind.  Jesus, I do love you back!

PS Thanks for not being a Dr. Phil from heaven but the Savior.