S - Isaiah 25:1, 4, 9 (NLT): "O LORD, I will honor and praise your name, for you are my God. You do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago, and now you have accomplished them. … But to the poor, O LORD, you are a refuge from the storm. To the needy in distress, you are a shelter from the rain and the heat. … In that day the people will proclaim, "This is our God. We trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD, in whom we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings!""
O - The Lord really does have a will on earth (a "rumor" Jesus confirms) and that will intentionally, specifically and practically includes the poor, the needy and those in distress. The folks this world pretty much wants to exclude are those the Lord has specifically included, made for provision for and wants to be with him. This is another of the "wonders" of him and his love - he wants us at our worst, not just at our best. One of the astonishing things in this scripture is that the source of the difficult circumstance (poor, needy, distress) is not a concern or focus. It is not even mentioned because it is not the point. Inflicted by others or self-inflicted trouble, it matters not; all are still wanted, prepared for and welcomed.
A - I am wanted, he is control. I am unsure, he doesn't flicker. I am following, he is leading. I am little and weak and he is not offended one bit! This facet of the Lord's "too wonderful to me" activity is not only to be a consolation and inspiration to me about my life but about every life. Every life is wanted. No life is merely tolerated by the Lord. Every life is to be held in the hope of transformation … even my own. Wonderful!
P - Lord who really is too wonderful for me,
It is so refreshing to think, pray and then be recalibrated to live in this wonder. Today while it's called today, I get to hold all lives, even my own, in this wonderful and undeserved reality.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
The Beauty of Christmas Light
S - 1 John 1:5-10 (NIV): "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives."
O - Christmas, the Kingdom come and the Kingdom which forever was and is, is all about the truth; the truth about everything, not just some things or primarily religious things but about all things. Its message speaks to all issues as they are, as they were intended to be and as they shall be … Christmas is simultaneously an end and a beginning, a struggle and a victory, a mystery and a simple, straightforward and unchanging message. The truth comes in flesh and brings unfaltering hope into all situations and circumstances. The truth makes possible the impossible. In our crowded, hurried and hassled lives every heart needs to prepare him room. The truth is that Christmas context is all about what's wrong with us and our world … the Christmas content is Emmanuel (God with us). The result is far better than the temporary relief and catharsis of confession … it is the abiding joy of assured transformation come what may.
A - I am not called to some truth but to all truth … and this is what makes real, full and lasting reconciliation possible. Light enables the walking (the fellowship with God and man) and light indiscriminately shines. This is how I am to look at myself, my God and my world. Most folks are willing to admit some facts/truth … Christmas calls us to embrace all the facts/truth … and this is where heaven touches earth.
P - Lord who is Christmas,
Yea, Lord we greet thee … to you be all the glory given. Thank you for coming into the truth of our sad world and dark lives. Thank you for loving us where we are and for loving us too much to leave us there. Thank you for not only calling us to the truth but for always being present there, meeting us there and at that very place for inviting us to walk with you into a transformed future.
Happy Birthday,
O - Christmas, the Kingdom come and the Kingdom which forever was and is, is all about the truth; the truth about everything, not just some things or primarily religious things but about all things. Its message speaks to all issues as they are, as they were intended to be and as they shall be … Christmas is simultaneously an end and a beginning, a struggle and a victory, a mystery and a simple, straightforward and unchanging message. The truth comes in flesh and brings unfaltering hope into all situations and circumstances. The truth makes possible the impossible. In our crowded, hurried and hassled lives every heart needs to prepare him room. The truth is that Christmas context is all about what's wrong with us and our world … the Christmas content is Emmanuel (God with us). The result is far better than the temporary relief and catharsis of confession … it is the abiding joy of assured transformation come what may.
A - I am not called to some truth but to all truth … and this is what makes real, full and lasting reconciliation possible. Light enables the walking (the fellowship with God and man) and light indiscriminately shines. This is how I am to look at myself, my God and my world. Most folks are willing to admit some facts/truth … Christmas calls us to embrace all the facts/truth … and this is where heaven touches earth.
P - Lord who is Christmas,
Yea, Lord we greet thee … to you be all the glory given. Thank you for coming into the truth of our sad world and dark lives. Thank you for loving us where we are and for loving us too much to leave us there. Thank you for not only calling us to the truth but for always being present there, meeting us there and at that very place for inviting us to walk with you into a transformed future.
Happy Birthday,
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Refugees and Pilgrimage are NOT the Same
S - Psalm 84:5-8; 85:7-9 (NIV): "Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. 6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. 7 They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion. 8 Hear my prayer, O LORD God Almighty; listen to me, O God of Jacob. Selah … Show us your unfailing love, O LORD, and grant us your salvation. 8 I will listen to what God the LORD will say; he promises peace to his people, his saints— but let them not return to folly. 9 Surely his salvation is near those who fear him, that his glory may dwell in our land."
O - Pilgrimage is a "hassle" on so many counts and yet is connected to the strength which is found only in the Lord. This strength is essential and exclusive - only one source: Jesus. Every human being is on a journey and all of us are in refugee status, i.e. we have no choice in the fact that we are temporarily on this planet. We are “forced” on to earth and we will be “forced” off. The pilgrimage of the Psalms is not identical to the refugee status of the human race. It is the willing engagement of travel, of transit, of a refusal to get too settled, of the volition to keep moving because one is NOT yet home (i.e. in their permanent place of residence). IDP (Internally Displaced People) camps and bridge embankments can become the settled places humans live by choice … as are condos, luxury suites and all-American neighborhoods. The pilgrimage which brings kingdom strength to bear is an intentional and consistent attitude of the heart; a mindset, worldview, an apparatus for life which one relentlessly pursues for the sake of love … of loving Jesus back and welcoming the Father's will and kingdom on earth as it happens in heaven. It involves many avoidable troubles, hassles, hardships and self-denials which the refugees-only of this world cannot understand. For those who so engage, they find that they do move from strength to strength and are a transforming presence among the refugees-only of this age. Refugees on pilgrimage are intentional and have a specific destination in mind … one they could never get to on their own and one they cannot miss because of the One who leads their pilgrimage.
A - Pilgrimage does not exempt me from all the hassles of refugee status. In fact, it certainly increases them from time to time and much of the time. There is a fairly consistent push to settle, to engage the lawful and deadly compromise of ending the pilgrimage and just holding still right where I am; a waiting which is not vigilant and degenerates from living into mere existence. This is true in all aspects of life. Intellect, spirit, finance, occupation, marriage, friendships, etc. … and herein lies the choking-out of the words of life (according to Jesus' parable of the sower - and he's the expert). A heart set on pilgrimage will keep one moving, growing and ultimately going from strength to strength and this how I want to live and must live. Pilgrimage requires a willingness to:
1. Engage the unknown and previously untried (by me anyway).
2. Intentionally refuse the intoxication and allurement of lawful things.
3. Keep the person and personal nature of the journey before and above all else.
4. Believe, risk, trust and give away.
5. Admit more than a refugee status and to desire more than mere existence.
P - God of all and God of me,
I admit my refugee status is among the best this world has ever known and one I do not deserve. I also admit that it is given to me by you so that my pilgrimage would be effective and also enable others. I want to move from strength to strength. I want to come and stand before you in Zion … not only at the end of the age and my life (of this I have no choice) but all throughout my life as I follow you. Lord, help me know more and more how to live the life that is really life; to lose my life so that you will take it up again. Because of you and unto you I want to believe, risk, trust and give away; to not only experience your deeds but to learn your ways. I admit again that every Scripture promise is true and every Kingdom principle is eternal AND there is no formula - real life always requires you, Lord Jesus. So, today while it’s called today, I mix your promises with faith and welcome your will on earth (in me) like they do in heaven. I set my heart on pilgrimage and look forward to the journey because of your presence. Lead on, Lord I will follow.
O - Pilgrimage is a "hassle" on so many counts and yet is connected to the strength which is found only in the Lord. This strength is essential and exclusive - only one source: Jesus. Every human being is on a journey and all of us are in refugee status, i.e. we have no choice in the fact that we are temporarily on this planet. We are “forced” on to earth and we will be “forced” off. The pilgrimage of the Psalms is not identical to the refugee status of the human race. It is the willing engagement of travel, of transit, of a refusal to get too settled, of the volition to keep moving because one is NOT yet home (i.e. in their permanent place of residence). IDP (Internally Displaced People) camps and bridge embankments can become the settled places humans live by choice … as are condos, luxury suites and all-American neighborhoods. The pilgrimage which brings kingdom strength to bear is an intentional and consistent attitude of the heart; a mindset, worldview, an apparatus for life which one relentlessly pursues for the sake of love … of loving Jesus back and welcoming the Father's will and kingdom on earth as it happens in heaven. It involves many avoidable troubles, hassles, hardships and self-denials which the refugees-only of this world cannot understand. For those who so engage, they find that they do move from strength to strength and are a transforming presence among the refugees-only of this age. Refugees on pilgrimage are intentional and have a specific destination in mind … one they could never get to on their own and one they cannot miss because of the One who leads their pilgrimage.
A - Pilgrimage does not exempt me from all the hassles of refugee status. In fact, it certainly increases them from time to time and much of the time. There is a fairly consistent push to settle, to engage the lawful and deadly compromise of ending the pilgrimage and just holding still right where I am; a waiting which is not vigilant and degenerates from living into mere existence. This is true in all aspects of life. Intellect, spirit, finance, occupation, marriage, friendships, etc. … and herein lies the choking-out of the words of life (according to Jesus' parable of the sower - and he's the expert). A heart set on pilgrimage will keep one moving, growing and ultimately going from strength to strength and this how I want to live and must live. Pilgrimage requires a willingness to:
1. Engage the unknown and previously untried (by me anyway).
2. Intentionally refuse the intoxication and allurement of lawful things.
3. Keep the person and personal nature of the journey before and above all else.
4. Believe, risk, trust and give away.
5. Admit more than a refugee status and to desire more than mere existence.
P - God of all and God of me,
I admit my refugee status is among the best this world has ever known and one I do not deserve. I also admit that it is given to me by you so that my pilgrimage would be effective and also enable others. I want to move from strength to strength. I want to come and stand before you in Zion … not only at the end of the age and my life (of this I have no choice) but all throughout my life as I follow you. Lord, help me know more and more how to live the life that is really life; to lose my life so that you will take it up again. Because of you and unto you I want to believe, risk, trust and give away; to not only experience your deeds but to learn your ways. I admit again that every Scripture promise is true and every Kingdom principle is eternal AND there is no formula - real life always requires you, Lord Jesus. So, today while it’s called today, I mix your promises with faith and welcome your will on earth (in me) like they do in heaven. I set my heart on pilgrimage and look forward to the journey because of your presence. Lead on, Lord I will follow.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
'The Shadow Proves the Sunshine' - Switchfoot
S - Hebrews 9:24-10:1 (NIV): " For Christ did not enter a man-made sanctuary that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence. 25 Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again, the way the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own. 26 Then Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27 Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves. For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship."
O - Copies and shadows are NOT unimportant, they are just NOT the point. Jesus is reality and he brings the realities of heaven to bear in the lives of all those are his - his by choice made possible only by grace. The commands to worship, to believe, to follow, to obey all involve choice. Choice is a part of the copies and shadows just as surely as it is a part of the realities themselves. This, and this alone, is the only thing we are allowed to bring to the table of God's will on earth, in heaven and in us. God's end game is perfection … and we will never be able to attain this by our efforts … all our efforts are also copies and shadows (not unimportant, just not the point). Jesus is perfection and includes all who choose to join him in the perfection he alone is and provides. We are to choose, and to keep choosing, Jesus who has once for all done away with sin. The great snare of culture/religion (personal and corporate) is to make the copies and shadows the point. This is how we end up keeping the words and losing the meaning of God's written voice. As Switchfoot aptly observes - the shadows prove the sunshine.
A - We've been created, redeemed and called to live in light, in the realities themselves. We do this by living in the One who is reality. He alone is and makes perfect. We receive perfection and grow in it. The growing is the reflection of what we've already received. It is the shadow or copy, it is not the reality itself. Not sinning is good, it happens as we grow. Not sinning is not perfection and it is not justification and it is not right standing and it is certainly NOT life or living. It is a copy and shadow. Not sinning is healthy, it disables severe consequences and regrets. It sets a good example. It helps shape a strong character. It does not make one better than another or no less needy of the Savior. A vibrant faith in Jesus is ultimately all about presence and not performance. As Paul says, even if I know nothing against myself this is not what justifies me; and again, if righteousness can be gained by observing the law then Christ died for nothing. The not sinning is seen, the vibrant faith in Jesus is unseen. With perfection as the only end game God wants, I have no hope apart from the personal and consistent intervention and interface with Jesus. He has called all and commands all to choose him back. I choose him back unto his perfection and to unutterable and exalted joy in him.
P - You Who Are Reality, Dear Jesus,
I CHOOSE YOU BACK! O Lord, I want you to be everything in me you desire to be. I thank you for including me/us in your perfection and for allowing us to grow in it at the same time. I want to live out loud your greatness and goodness. I do not want to make the shadows, reflections and copies the point … I do not want to keep the words and lose the meaning. Lord, all of this needs to work and live in me in the context of today while it is called today. O King let me do this, live this and in this living make you glad and bring you glory. Today is all I have and according to you all I need. Lord I believe, please help my unbelief.
Turning into heavenly sunshine,
O - Copies and shadows are NOT unimportant, they are just NOT the point. Jesus is reality and he brings the realities of heaven to bear in the lives of all those are his - his by choice made possible only by grace. The commands to worship, to believe, to follow, to obey all involve choice. Choice is a part of the copies and shadows just as surely as it is a part of the realities themselves. This, and this alone, is the only thing we are allowed to bring to the table of God's will on earth, in heaven and in us. God's end game is perfection … and we will never be able to attain this by our efforts … all our efforts are also copies and shadows (not unimportant, just not the point). Jesus is perfection and includes all who choose to join him in the perfection he alone is and provides. We are to choose, and to keep choosing, Jesus who has once for all done away with sin. The great snare of culture/religion (personal and corporate) is to make the copies and shadows the point. This is how we end up keeping the words and losing the meaning of God's written voice. As Switchfoot aptly observes - the shadows prove the sunshine.
A - We've been created, redeemed and called to live in light, in the realities themselves. We do this by living in the One who is reality. He alone is and makes perfect. We receive perfection and grow in it. The growing is the reflection of what we've already received. It is the shadow or copy, it is not the reality itself. Not sinning is good, it happens as we grow. Not sinning is not perfection and it is not justification and it is not right standing and it is certainly NOT life or living. It is a copy and shadow. Not sinning is healthy, it disables severe consequences and regrets. It sets a good example. It helps shape a strong character. It does not make one better than another or no less needy of the Savior. A vibrant faith in Jesus is ultimately all about presence and not performance. As Paul says, even if I know nothing against myself this is not what justifies me; and again, if righteousness can be gained by observing the law then Christ died for nothing. The not sinning is seen, the vibrant faith in Jesus is unseen. With perfection as the only end game God wants, I have no hope apart from the personal and consistent intervention and interface with Jesus. He has called all and commands all to choose him back. I choose him back unto his perfection and to unutterable and exalted joy in him.
P - You Who Are Reality, Dear Jesus,
I CHOOSE YOU BACK! O Lord, I want you to be everything in me you desire to be. I thank you for including me/us in your perfection and for allowing us to grow in it at the same time. I want to live out loud your greatness and goodness. I do not want to make the shadows, reflections and copies the point … I do not want to keep the words and lose the meaning. Lord, all of this needs to work and live in me in the context of today while it is called today. O King let me do this, live this and in this living make you glad and bring you glory. Today is all I have and according to you all I need. Lord I believe, please help my unbelief.
Turning into heavenly sunshine,
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Ask for Anything
S - Philippians 2:1-4 (NLT): "Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose. Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing."
O - Much is said about agreement when seeking God's help and answers to our prayers/needs. This focus comes to us directly from the mouth of Jesus who said (Matthew 18:19-20 NLT): "I also tell you this: If two of you agree down here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them." A miscue often happens at this point which Philippians 2 helps us overcome and avoid. The agreement is not so much about a goal desired or an accomplishment completed. The agreement is not merely about what we want but more about how we live. The attributes of agreement include (require):
1. Loving each other.
2. Working together (interdependent never independent).
3. Refusing to be selfish even about "good causes".
4. Not living to make a good impression on others.
5. Humility by considering others better (more important) than yourself.
6. A genuine interest and involvement in others and what they are doing.
I think this is the agreement Jesus is referencing and this is the agreement that welcomes heaven to earth deepening encouragement, comfort, fellowship, tenderness and sympathetic hearts … O yes, and awesome answers to anything.
A - There is not much in this list of attributes which seems to be working even when churches, ministries and believers "agree". We tend to tolerate each other at best, invite in only those who have stuff we want, insist on maintaining control, put ourselves forward to make a good impression, look down on all who don't think we're really "hitting the ball" and only pretend to listen and care so that others will listen to us as we make our pitch. This is how we're groomed by our culture (secular and religious) and this is exactly what Jesus wants to crucify in me. He doesn't want me to network he wants me to love. If I do not love I am nothing (literally - not even one thing). It's interesting that Jesus never told the disciples to work harder. He did tell them to love more. I'm going to work/live Jesus' list via Paul rather than the list via culture. I'll keep my heart and life open to any who will agree.
P - Lord who is Awesome,
I praise you for this day and this assignment concerning agreement. Thank you for always letting us ask anything because nothing is impossible, too difficult or too wonderful for you. Thank you for insisting that your children live like your children. Lord, I'm sorry for merely networking when I clearly should have loved. I'm sorry for accepting the deception concerning agreement and the pressure my culture exudes to perform above all else. You will outperform any and all, but you will do so your way. Lord, engage me, enable me, to work with you rather than for you so that agreement will be the way I live with those you have given me. Lord, lead on.
O - Much is said about agreement when seeking God's help and answers to our prayers/needs. This focus comes to us directly from the mouth of Jesus who said (Matthew 18:19-20 NLT): "I also tell you this: If two of you agree down here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them." A miscue often happens at this point which Philippians 2 helps us overcome and avoid. The agreement is not so much about a goal desired or an accomplishment completed. The agreement is not merely about what we want but more about how we live. The attributes of agreement include (require):
1. Loving each other.
2. Working together (interdependent never independent).
3. Refusing to be selfish even about "good causes".
4. Not living to make a good impression on others.
5. Humility by considering others better (more important) than yourself.
6. A genuine interest and involvement in others and what they are doing.
I think this is the agreement Jesus is referencing and this is the agreement that welcomes heaven to earth deepening encouragement, comfort, fellowship, tenderness and sympathetic hearts … O yes, and awesome answers to anything.
A - There is not much in this list of attributes which seems to be working even when churches, ministries and believers "agree". We tend to tolerate each other at best, invite in only those who have stuff we want, insist on maintaining control, put ourselves forward to make a good impression, look down on all who don't think we're really "hitting the ball" and only pretend to listen and care so that others will listen to us as we make our pitch. This is how we're groomed by our culture (secular and religious) and this is exactly what Jesus wants to crucify in me. He doesn't want me to network he wants me to love. If I do not love I am nothing (literally - not even one thing). It's interesting that Jesus never told the disciples to work harder. He did tell them to love more. I'm going to work/live Jesus' list via Paul rather than the list via culture. I'll keep my heart and life open to any who will agree.
P - Lord who is Awesome,
I praise you for this day and this assignment concerning agreement. Thank you for always letting us ask anything because nothing is impossible, too difficult or too wonderful for you. Thank you for insisting that your children live like your children. Lord, I'm sorry for merely networking when I clearly should have loved. I'm sorry for accepting the deception concerning agreement and the pressure my culture exudes to perform above all else. You will outperform any and all, but you will do so your way. Lord, engage me, enable me, to work with you rather than for you so that agreement will be the way I live with those you have given me. Lord, lead on.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Fearless Sparrows
S - Matthew 10:24-31 (NLT): ""A student is not greater than the teacher. A servant is not greater than the master. The student shares the teacher's fate. The servant shares the master's fate. And since I, the master of the household, have been called the prince of demons, how much more will it happen to you, the members of the household! But don't be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything will be revealed; all that is secret will be made public. What I tell you now in the darkness, shout abroad when daybreak comes. What I whisper in your ears, shout from the housetops for all to hear! "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill you. They can only kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Not even a sparrow, worth only half a penny, can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to him than a whole flock of sparrows."
O - Sparrows capture the Father's attention on a planet where people are considered "throwaways". Frankly, Jesus was considered a throwaway by both the religious and political leaders of his day; and many "ordinary folks" agreed with them. Jesus' point is unmistakably clear: they will call you names, they will even kill your body but they cannot kill your soul. Their voices will cease for all die and since all die so will your body. However, the one who trusts, obeys, believes, speaks and stays true to Jesus will in fact never live or die to regret it. There are many sources of the fear which disable ones eternal future and only one source of fear which is life-giving here and hereafter. A part of the growth pattern for those who follow Jesus is to embrace the fear of the Lord (the wholesome dread of being disconnected from the One who loves us) and to refuse ALL other fears. Wise as snakes, harmless as doves, sheep needing a shepherd and sparrows who are fearless; the only real life on this side is all about life on the other side. Lose your life and find it -- keep it and lose it all. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.
A - Worry gives way to fear and fear certainly inspires and sustains worry and both are directly forbidden by Jesus. I woke up last night once from a fearful dream and another time from worries. Neither were beneficial and both were toxic. I don't think Jesus is saying that we'll never feel afraid or have worry shove itself into our thoughts, emotions and worldview but rather that such exchanges are to be recognized for what they are, repelled based upon his instruction and refused because of his presence. This of course is easier to say than to do but it is very doable. Weakly and imperfectly I am training in this way. Having faced so many of these sources (and having faced them successfully) I would have thought that I would be better at it by now. However, new circumstances can create new opportunities for old enemies; and we're never too old to be afraid. In a throwaway world Jesus does not promise that all circumstances will be pleasant or conclude the way we wish. He does promise that all circumstances will be worked by him for good and that in the real end, we will live happily ever after. I need to start each day with heaven's opening line for all humans: with God, everything is possible; and I will believe the truth that in the end … we actually will live happily ever after.
P - Lord God, Father, Savior, Friend, Master, Counselor, Warrior and Shepherd,
I want to be among your fearless sparrows. I admit, confess and repent of my many fears and worries. Today is the only day you ask me to believe you and to mix your promises with faith. Lord, I admit I'm so unsure of all that I should be doing. Don't leave me to myself and my well-intended conclusions. Rather, I beg, I pray that you will take me by the hand and show me what to do and what to say. Lord, I want more than a career, more than a well-crafted existence. I want YOU. I want to be in the flow of your life and the work of your spirit. See my confusion, my inabilities, my weaknesses and my strengths. Let me be among your friends since you are the friend of sinners. Let me find the way to bring you honor whether I live or die. Yes, Lord … you know everything. Yes, Lord I believe that you are able to do this. You know that I love you. I will do whatever you show me to do and whatever you "make me do" with faith, thankfulness and to the best of my limited ability. Even when my best is little and pathetic I promise to give it all to you!
This sparrow is in,
O - Sparrows capture the Father's attention on a planet where people are considered "throwaways". Frankly, Jesus was considered a throwaway by both the religious and political leaders of his day; and many "ordinary folks" agreed with them. Jesus' point is unmistakably clear: they will call you names, they will even kill your body but they cannot kill your soul. Their voices will cease for all die and since all die so will your body. However, the one who trusts, obeys, believes, speaks and stays true to Jesus will in fact never live or die to regret it. There are many sources of the fear which disable ones eternal future and only one source of fear which is life-giving here and hereafter. A part of the growth pattern for those who follow Jesus is to embrace the fear of the Lord (the wholesome dread of being disconnected from the One who loves us) and to refuse ALL other fears. Wise as snakes, harmless as doves, sheep needing a shepherd and sparrows who are fearless; the only real life on this side is all about life on the other side. Lose your life and find it -- keep it and lose it all. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.
A - Worry gives way to fear and fear certainly inspires and sustains worry and both are directly forbidden by Jesus. I woke up last night once from a fearful dream and another time from worries. Neither were beneficial and both were toxic. I don't think Jesus is saying that we'll never feel afraid or have worry shove itself into our thoughts, emotions and worldview but rather that such exchanges are to be recognized for what they are, repelled based upon his instruction and refused because of his presence. This of course is easier to say than to do but it is very doable. Weakly and imperfectly I am training in this way. Having faced so many of these sources (and having faced them successfully) I would have thought that I would be better at it by now. However, new circumstances can create new opportunities for old enemies; and we're never too old to be afraid. In a throwaway world Jesus does not promise that all circumstances will be pleasant or conclude the way we wish. He does promise that all circumstances will be worked by him for good and that in the real end, we will live happily ever after. I need to start each day with heaven's opening line for all humans: with God, everything is possible; and I will believe the truth that in the end … we actually will live happily ever after.
P - Lord God, Father, Savior, Friend, Master, Counselor, Warrior and Shepherd,
I want to be among your fearless sparrows. I admit, confess and repent of my many fears and worries. Today is the only day you ask me to believe you and to mix your promises with faith. Lord, I admit I'm so unsure of all that I should be doing. Don't leave me to myself and my well-intended conclusions. Rather, I beg, I pray that you will take me by the hand and show me what to do and what to say. Lord, I want more than a career, more than a well-crafted existence. I want YOU. I want to be in the flow of your life and the work of your spirit. See my confusion, my inabilities, my weaknesses and my strengths. Let me be among your friends since you are the friend of sinners. Let me find the way to bring you honor whether I live or die. Yes, Lord … you know everything. Yes, Lord I believe that you are able to do this. You know that I love you. I will do whatever you show me to do and whatever you "make me do" with faith, thankfulness and to the best of my limited ability. Even when my best is little and pathetic I promise to give it all to you!
This sparrow is in,
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Always Simple, not Always Easy

O - The psalm (a Song of Ascents) carries the truth and theme which Jesus repeats very specifically - we are not alone, not on our own and not our own. Jesus speaks clearly about so many things on earth, not just about things in heaven. We are more likely to accept his words and way of thinking about heaven than we are about earth. We won't "deny" his words; we'll just redefine and recalibrate them a little because we do not believe they will really "work" here on this fallen earth. We will use his words and ignore the meaning … claiming his authority but demonstrating/possessing very little of it. Jesus said: "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you, anyone who doesn't have their kind of faith will never get into the Kingdom of God." Psalm 121 describes their kind of faith. The real question is: Is this my kind of faith?
A - The application for me is the application for us all. Do I, will I, accept both the Father's instruction about Jesus and the instruction of Jesus like a child? Will I listen with the childlike faith and trust Jesus lives out and insists I also engage? On this day and in each situation, what should I do is a good question and of course more importantly what will I do? I will believe (this is the work). I will trust (fierce personal loyalty). I will listen (unto doing). I will accept and embrace the truth that I am not alone, not on my own and not my own. I do think he is working everything for good and that he is purposeful in everything he causes and in everything he allows. Today is my day to believe, trust, listen and follow.
P - Lord who Leads,
It is my assignment to listen to you and to believe your words unto their doing. Yes, Lord, I do believe and I do want to live your words out loud. Please show me the way to go in this day. I am glad to not be alone, not be on my own and to not be my own. Let me live this day with you, making you glad and keeping your company all along the way. Thank you for wanting us/me and for always walking point. I do love you back!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
God's Worldview on Religion
S - Acts 10:27-28, 34-36, 42-48 (NRVS): "And as he talked with him, he went in and found that many had assembled; and he said to them, "You yourselves know that it is unlawful for a Jew to associate with or to visit a Gentile; but God has shown me that I should not call anyone profane or unclean. … Then Peter began to speak to them: "I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. You know the message he sent to the people of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ—he is Lord of all. … He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one ordained by God as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name." While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word. The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles, for they heard them speaking in tongues and extolling God. Then Peter said, "Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?" So he ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they invited him to stay for several days."
O - This exchange with Cornelius and his household begins with the unavoidable conclusion Peter was carried to by the vision he saw from heaven. It was certainly not the prevailing view among believing Jews and yet its truth was irrefutable. God insists that we (all believers):
1. Call no one (from any culture or background) profane or unclean.
2. Accept unconditionally all who fear God AND do what is right (both of these are essential). This does not eliminate the "need" for Jesus but lets us start with people at the same place God does.
3. Remember Jesus is Lord of all.
4. Engage our assignment, in light of these truths, to speak (his name and words) and give witness (the context of our daily lives) to his preeminent place for all people (ordained by God as the judge of the living and the dead - all men will be drawn to him).
5. Invite all to believe (personally respond to) Jesus who is the Gospel.
6. Interface with all people as sinner to sinner unto the forgiveness of our sins (Jesus spends no time trying to convince people that they are sinners. He announces that we are such and as such we are the very ones he is calling and seeking and speaking to).
A - The result of this "world view" is not only astonishing to other believers (who are strong in their own cultural/religious system), but one which the Holy Spirit will insert himself in a direct and identifiable way. Ultimately, theology without experience is impotent (even though it's true). We all need to experience our theology:). This awesome insight into the heart of God and the purposes of Jesus on this planet is both the affirmation of, and clear direction for, my little life and how I interface with all people. (The rungs of concentric circles from the inside out: Jesus; Scripture; believers (people); all Religion (Culture). Only Jesus is life giving, life saving; life transforming and life empowering.
P - Dear Lord of All and Lord of me,
Thank you for letting me do this … for letting me carry your name and your words and for calling me to unconditionally accept all who fear God and do what is right. Thank you, from my 17th year on, for allowing me to experience the theology your written voice presents. Thank you for your speaking voice which found Peter and has also found me. Please, shepherd me through these next days so I may shepherd others according to your will. Please change my life; put your Holy Spirit on me and cause him to flow out of me unto the revelation of your person and the receipt of forever life (vibrant, refreshing, irresistible). Help me be little today so I won't miss you and what you're doing. Make your desire and purpose for me clear so I may do your bidding. Let me bring you glory and make you glad.
Speak, Lord, your servant (little and weak) is listening.
O - This exchange with Cornelius and his household begins with the unavoidable conclusion Peter was carried to by the vision he saw from heaven. It was certainly not the prevailing view among believing Jews and yet its truth was irrefutable. God insists that we (all believers):
1. Call no one (from any culture or background) profane or unclean.
2. Accept unconditionally all who fear God AND do what is right (both of these are essential). This does not eliminate the "need" for Jesus but lets us start with people at the same place God does.
3. Remember Jesus is Lord of all.
4. Engage our assignment, in light of these truths, to speak (his name and words) and give witness (the context of our daily lives) to his preeminent place for all people (ordained by God as the judge of the living and the dead - all men will be drawn to him).
5. Invite all to believe (personally respond to) Jesus who is the Gospel.
6. Interface with all people as sinner to sinner unto the forgiveness of our sins (Jesus spends no time trying to convince people that they are sinners. He announces that we are such and as such we are the very ones he is calling and seeking and speaking to).
A - The result of this "world view" is not only astonishing to other believers (who are strong in their own cultural/religious system), but one which the Holy Spirit will insert himself in a direct and identifiable way. Ultimately, theology without experience is impotent (even though it's true). We all need to experience our theology:). This awesome insight into the heart of God and the purposes of Jesus on this planet is both the affirmation of, and clear direction for, my little life and how I interface with all people. (The rungs of concentric circles from the inside out: Jesus; Scripture; believers (people); all Religion (Culture). Only Jesus is life giving, life saving; life transforming and life empowering.
P - Dear Lord of All and Lord of me,
Thank you for letting me do this … for letting me carry your name and your words and for calling me to unconditionally accept all who fear God and do what is right. Thank you, from my 17th year on, for allowing me to experience the theology your written voice presents. Thank you for your speaking voice which found Peter and has also found me. Please, shepherd me through these next days so I may shepherd others according to your will. Please change my life; put your Holy Spirit on me and cause him to flow out of me unto the revelation of your person and the receipt of forever life (vibrant, refreshing, irresistible). Help me be little today so I won't miss you and what you're doing. Make your desire and purpose for me clear so I may do your bidding. Let me bring you glory and make you glad.
Speak, Lord, your servant (little and weak) is listening.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
So, What Exactly is Your Point?
S - Mark 14:1-9 (NLT): "It was now two days before the Passover celebration and the Festival of Unleavened Bread. The leading priests and the teachers of religious law were still looking for an opportunity to capture Jesus secretly and put him to death. "But not during the Passover," they agreed, "or there will be a riot." Meanwhile, Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Simon, a man who had leprosy. During supper, a woman came in with a beautiful jar of expensive perfume. She broke the seal and poured the perfume over his head. Some of those at the table were indignant. "Why was this expensive perfume wasted?" they asked. "She could have sold it for a small fortune and given the money to the poor!" And they scolded her harshly. But Jesus replied, "Leave her alone. Why berate her for doing such a good thing to me? You will always have the poor among you, and you can help them whenever you want to. But I will not be here with you much longer. She has done what she could and has anointed my body for burial ahead of time. I assure you, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman's deed will be talked about in her memory.""
O - The leaders were efficient … avoiding a riot and murdering the Christ all accomplished in a matter hours. This woman comes inspired to do a beautiful thing to the Lord and the disciples moan about its inefficiency and waste. Jesus rejoices in its beauty and relational expression. To the "efficient" her actions are pointless … now giving to the poor would be something; quantifiable and a very good point. To the Creator and Ruler of all her actions are so much the point that she will never be forgotten ("wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman's deed will be talked about in her memory."). Jesus identifies something in her which is like the beauty/good she expressed to him "She has done what she could." Not only was her giving a beautiful act of devotion it is one which is not wasted either … she alone had the privilege of fulfilling the critical cultural expression in the first century of a body prepared for burial. The Mary's will come the day after his crucifixion and burial, but their spices will never be needed or used. The Kingdom and the Christ are not primarily efficient but they waste nothing. Love has never been the most efficient but it is forever the greatest!
A - Doing what you can in face of criticism by leaders, over whelming need and/or oppressive public opinion will always be among the opportunities given to the followers of Jesus. The world (church and secular) will forever peg to the very human efficiency quotients, statistical data and formulaic logic. While these are not completely absent in the work of God and the reality of his kingdom they NEVER lead the way - EVER! They lead the way in the thinking and actions of the Sanhedrin, in Herod's palace and at Pilate's court but not with God, his kingdom and his Christ. My assignment is to work with him which requires faith, trust, reliance upon the God to whom nothing is impossible. This work, his work, will always invite me to do what I can, to give my pathetic little into his unending greatness in the face of earth's most crushing inevitabilities. The combination of faith and so very little becomes more than formidable - it becomes indefatigable in the highest order - the order and power of the resurrection from the dead. My measure will not be efficiency but relationships, it will not take its cue from the greatness of the need but from the greatness of the God who calls me near to live with him, work with him and in this context to do what I can.
P - Lord of Beauty, Power, Mercy, Grace and even of me,
Thank you for my assignment which is not for you but with you. Thank you for not gauging everything by efficiency … for love is not primarily efficient and you have loved us first and most and still (to this very day, hour, minute and second) REFUSED to change your mind. O King, O Friend, O Living Hope and Only Hope I love you back and say I want to bring my very little all and give it all to you … to do what I can as you assign my place and partnership with you. Thank you for not asking me to do everything I could possibly do at all times. Rather, you call me to yourself, to relationship and to work with you giving my all to that which you are doing. Thank you for not calling me to work for you but with you. Lord, my answer is yes. I believe and this is the real work. I give you my all, this is the real privilege. Thank you causing me and my very little all to matter here and hereafter.
All my love,
O - The leaders were efficient … avoiding a riot and murdering the Christ all accomplished in a matter hours. This woman comes inspired to do a beautiful thing to the Lord and the disciples moan about its inefficiency and waste. Jesus rejoices in its beauty and relational expression. To the "efficient" her actions are pointless … now giving to the poor would be something; quantifiable and a very good point. To the Creator and Ruler of all her actions are so much the point that she will never be forgotten ("wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman's deed will be talked about in her memory."). Jesus identifies something in her which is like the beauty/good she expressed to him "She has done what she could." Not only was her giving a beautiful act of devotion it is one which is not wasted either … she alone had the privilege of fulfilling the critical cultural expression in the first century of a body prepared for burial. The Mary's will come the day after his crucifixion and burial, but their spices will never be needed or used. The Kingdom and the Christ are not primarily efficient but they waste nothing. Love has never been the most efficient but it is forever the greatest!
A - Doing what you can in face of criticism by leaders, over whelming need and/or oppressive public opinion will always be among the opportunities given to the followers of Jesus. The world (church and secular) will forever peg to the very human efficiency quotients, statistical data and formulaic logic. While these are not completely absent in the work of God and the reality of his kingdom they NEVER lead the way - EVER! They lead the way in the thinking and actions of the Sanhedrin, in Herod's palace and at Pilate's court but not with God, his kingdom and his Christ. My assignment is to work with him which requires faith, trust, reliance upon the God to whom nothing is impossible. This work, his work, will always invite me to do what I can, to give my pathetic little into his unending greatness in the face of earth's most crushing inevitabilities. The combination of faith and so very little becomes more than formidable - it becomes indefatigable in the highest order - the order and power of the resurrection from the dead. My measure will not be efficiency but relationships, it will not take its cue from the greatness of the need but from the greatness of the God who calls me near to live with him, work with him and in this context to do what I can.
P - Lord of Beauty, Power, Mercy, Grace and even of me,
Thank you for my assignment which is not for you but with you. Thank you for not gauging everything by efficiency … for love is not primarily efficient and you have loved us first and most and still (to this very day, hour, minute and second) REFUSED to change your mind. O King, O Friend, O Living Hope and Only Hope I love you back and say I want to bring my very little all and give it all to you … to do what I can as you assign my place and partnership with you. Thank you for not asking me to do everything I could possibly do at all times. Rather, you call me to yourself, to relationship and to work with you giving my all to that which you are doing. Thank you for not calling me to work for you but with you. Lord, my answer is yes. I believe and this is the real work. I give you my all, this is the real privilege. Thank you causing me and my very little all to matter here and hereafter.
All my love,
Monday, November 1, 2010
When Faith for the Moment is NOT Enough
S - Mark 9:16-19,21-23,28-29 (NRSV): "He asked them, "What are you arguing about with them?" Someone from the crowd answered him, "Teacher, I brought you my son; he has a spirit that makes him unable to speak; and whenever it seizes him, it dashes him down; and he foams and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid; and I asked your disciples to cast it out, but they could not do so." He answered them, "You faithless generation, how much longer must I be among you? How much longer must I put up with you? Bring him to me." … Jesus asked the father, "How long has this been happening to him?" And he said, "From childhood. It has often cast him into the fire and into the water, to destroy him; but if you are able to do anything, have pity on us and help us." Jesus said to him, "If you are able!—All things can be done for the one who believes." … When he had entered the house, his disciples asked him privately, "Why could we not cast it out?" He said to them, "This kind can come out only through prayer.""
O - There is no doubt that doubt is a big problem for the human race. In the immediacy of this post transfiguration event, the need for faith, even mustard seed sized faith, is strongly affirmed. This needed miracle was clearly within the realm of possibility for the disciples and for the father of the boy and for the crowd surrounding them. The Lord's rebuke is strong and his displeasure is not in the sinful condition or critical needs people have but in our faithlessness. "All things can be done for the one who believes." Even the dad's struggle with doubt does not prevent the miracle as he engages the faith he does have. All this said, the disciples ask further into the mystery of their inability to "deliver." They had obviously attempted which would indicate some level of faith for this act to be accomplished. Yet, they were unable to do what their faith assured them could be done. No only so, but we know that they'd been successful in the deliverance, healing, raising the dead activities for prior to this event they’d returned to report such to the Lord. They ask him why and he answers.
Their inability was not about no faith but how faith works in the daily and non-emergency times of life. The rescue of the boy was not dependent on the Lord's deity - Jesus' dialogue with the group and with the disciples in private make this point very clear. Jesus identifies that one of the real evidences of faith is revealed in our prayer lives. The faith Jesus highlights for the healing of the boy is not about the moment or even the possibility but all about the expression of faith in prayer. Apparently, it is not about the faith and prayer of the moment but all about the faith and prayer in cadence day by day. Jesus' answer coupled with the fact that he didn't ask the dad to wait awhile while he went off to pray only serves to emphasize the point. How many times did the Lord send "the boys" ahead so he could stay and pray. He is often up before them all at prayer. And in the garden, they fall asleep while he, in prayer, falls under the load and at the Father's feet. Even when Jesus knows the answer is no -- he still prays, he still asks according to the greatness of his Father. I'm still wondering if in heaven we're rewarded for how we asked rather than just how we received:).
A - My now 56 year old life has been through many seasons. In these seasons my prayer life has fluctuated. I don't think that this is all bad and I don't think that volume alone is the only indicator. We're not heard for the greatness (volume) of our words and yet we can say as much as we want to. I do believe that a part of prayer life is the Lord taking our requests as seriously as we do as evidenced by our prayers (Luke 18). I also believe that pouring out my heart in prayer makes room for him to pour in what is needed. Also, prayer is one of the ways we can draw near and stay near his person … it really is me making myself loving present to the God and King who is everywhere. With all these many words the application for me is to be growing in my prayer life day by day (not always measureable but always active). Faith is more than what I am willing to believe the Lord for at a moments' notice; it includes what I am willing to give my time and attention to day by day. I want to be someone he can count on for the kind who won't come out except by prayer.
P - Lord who prayed and who taught us to pray,
I admit my need to grow in prayer, to contend in prayer and to live out a prayer life which is essential to the faith that makes you glad (pleases you - Hebrews 11). With more of the 'I never been this way before' territory in front of me, many moments will be thrust upon me and in them all I want to believe you -- to have and use the faith that you commend, the faith that moves mountains and can be as small as a mustard seed. Apparently, I won't always know what "kind" of faith is required … the immediate or the seasoned faith. Either way, prayer remains essential. So, in my routine, the cadence of my daily life, help me find the way forward to be with you in prayer more and more. I need spirit help, Lord. My spirit remains willing and my flesh is not only weak but often resistant. My history is a contradiction … more time spent praying does not always equal more answers or less resistance or more power. Nevertheless, I do thank you for your decision to make prayer count … it is your mechanism of grace to which you have committed yourself. I make myself lovingly present to you and say … teach me your ways O Lord and lead me in a straight path. Let me know the pleasure of your company and the delight of your work on earth as it happens in heaven. Lord, I turn to you the face and ask, shape me in your image; use me in your plan and purpose; let me be a living stone and a living word and a living sacrifice to you and to others. I welcome you and your promises from a far. My answer is yes! Lord I believe, help my unbelief!
Even so come, Lord Jesus,
O - There is no doubt that doubt is a big problem for the human race. In the immediacy of this post transfiguration event, the need for faith, even mustard seed sized faith, is strongly affirmed. This needed miracle was clearly within the realm of possibility for the disciples and for the father of the boy and for the crowd surrounding them. The Lord's rebuke is strong and his displeasure is not in the sinful condition or critical needs people have but in our faithlessness. "All things can be done for the one who believes." Even the dad's struggle with doubt does not prevent the miracle as he engages the faith he does have. All this said, the disciples ask further into the mystery of their inability to "deliver." They had obviously attempted which would indicate some level of faith for this act to be accomplished. Yet, they were unable to do what their faith assured them could be done. No only so, but we know that they'd been successful in the deliverance, healing, raising the dead activities for prior to this event they’d returned to report such to the Lord. They ask him why and he answers.
Their inability was not about no faith but how faith works in the daily and non-emergency times of life. The rescue of the boy was not dependent on the Lord's deity - Jesus' dialogue with the group and with the disciples in private make this point very clear. Jesus identifies that one of the real evidences of faith is revealed in our prayer lives. The faith Jesus highlights for the healing of the boy is not about the moment or even the possibility but all about the expression of faith in prayer. Apparently, it is not about the faith and prayer of the moment but all about the faith and prayer in cadence day by day. Jesus' answer coupled with the fact that he didn't ask the dad to wait awhile while he went off to pray only serves to emphasize the point. How many times did the Lord send "the boys" ahead so he could stay and pray. He is often up before them all at prayer. And in the garden, they fall asleep while he, in prayer, falls under the load and at the Father's feet. Even when Jesus knows the answer is no -- he still prays, he still asks according to the greatness of his Father. I'm still wondering if in heaven we're rewarded for how we asked rather than just how we received:).
A - My now 56 year old life has been through many seasons. In these seasons my prayer life has fluctuated. I don't think that this is all bad and I don't think that volume alone is the only indicator. We're not heard for the greatness (volume) of our words and yet we can say as much as we want to. I do believe that a part of prayer life is the Lord taking our requests as seriously as we do as evidenced by our prayers (Luke 18). I also believe that pouring out my heart in prayer makes room for him to pour in what is needed. Also, prayer is one of the ways we can draw near and stay near his person … it really is me making myself loving present to the God and King who is everywhere. With all these many words the application for me is to be growing in my prayer life day by day (not always measureable but always active). Faith is more than what I am willing to believe the Lord for at a moments' notice; it includes what I am willing to give my time and attention to day by day. I want to be someone he can count on for the kind who won't come out except by prayer.
P - Lord who prayed and who taught us to pray,
I admit my need to grow in prayer, to contend in prayer and to live out a prayer life which is essential to the faith that makes you glad (pleases you - Hebrews 11). With more of the 'I never been this way before' territory in front of me, many moments will be thrust upon me and in them all I want to believe you -- to have and use the faith that you commend, the faith that moves mountains and can be as small as a mustard seed. Apparently, I won't always know what "kind" of faith is required … the immediate or the seasoned faith. Either way, prayer remains essential. So, in my routine, the cadence of my daily life, help me find the way forward to be with you in prayer more and more. I need spirit help, Lord. My spirit remains willing and my flesh is not only weak but often resistant. My history is a contradiction … more time spent praying does not always equal more answers or less resistance or more power. Nevertheless, I do thank you for your decision to make prayer count … it is your mechanism of grace to which you have committed yourself. I make myself lovingly present to you and say … teach me your ways O Lord and lead me in a straight path. Let me know the pleasure of your company and the delight of your work on earth as it happens in heaven. Lord, I turn to you the face and ask, shape me in your image; use me in your plan and purpose; let me be a living stone and a living word and a living sacrifice to you and to others. I welcome you and your promises from a far. My answer is yes! Lord I believe, help my unbelief!
Even so come, Lord Jesus,
Monday, October 25, 2010
Questions of Life and Death
S - Ezekiel 33:10-11, 13-16 (NIV): "“Son of man, say to the house of Israel, ‘This is what you are saying: “Our offenses and sins weigh us down, and we are wasting away because of them. How then can we live?”’ 11 Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, O house of Israel?’ … If I tell the righteous man that he will surely live, but then he trusts in his righteousness and does evil, none of the righteous things he has done will be remembered; he will die for the evil he has done. 14 And if I say to the wicked man, ‘You will surely die,’ but he then turns away from his sin and does what is just and right— 15 if he gives back what he took in pledge for a loan, returns what he has stolen, follows the decrees that give life, and does no evil, he will surely live; he will not die. 16 None of the sins he has committed will be remembered against him. He has done what is just and right; he will surely live."
O - The question was, because of our sins and the circumstances surrounding us, how then can we live? The Lord's response is immediate and filled with hope. His response and Israel's remedy is based upon His eternal, indestructible and irrepressible life - 'As surely I live, declares the Sovereign Lord,'. The Lord has no pleasure in the death of the wicked and no variances for the righteous. The wicked must turn from their evil ways and the righteous must NOT trust in their righteousness and both are called to 'follow the decrees that give life.' No matter what we face or what we've done there is the way of life for all who will follow.
A - Following is critical. Following involves my will and decisions I am empowered/expected to make. The free will given by the Lord does not mean free from consequence. Life and death do hang in the balance but the Living God has no pleasure in death including the death of the wicked. Even when we are besieged by pressurized and desperate situations (caused by others or of our own making) life is still available and the call to follow hasn't changed. Israel's question was how to live and the Lord's question is why will you die? All are called to turn, to turn into life and away from death. It’s a turn we have to take more than once in our lives and more than once in a day. The call of life, the call of Jesus hasn't changed: "Follow me."
P - Dear Lord who is Life,
Thank you for all you are doing known and unknown to me! Lord Jesus, I choose to follow, to turn-in, to come under, to humble myself under your mighty hand, to welcome your promises from afar and your will on earth like they do in heaven. Lord, let me be one who is receiving your life, refreshing, vibrant, irrepressible and pure. Let me be one through whom you give life of the exact same order. Thank you for my assignment and for all that I can't do, can't control and can't influence. Thank you for loving me, wanting me and calling me to yourself. Let your purposes be on, in and through me today. Let me bring you glory and make you glad. Thank you for daily bread and for daily direction and daily life. Thank you for letting me love you back and for allowing such to matter to you (it is the world to me)! This day is your day, I will follow and keep turning in.
Nai Kurie (Yes, Lord),
O - The question was, because of our sins and the circumstances surrounding us, how then can we live? The Lord's response is immediate and filled with hope. His response and Israel's remedy is based upon His eternal, indestructible and irrepressible life - 'As surely I live, declares the Sovereign Lord,'. The Lord has no pleasure in the death of the wicked and no variances for the righteous. The wicked must turn from their evil ways and the righteous must NOT trust in their righteousness and both are called to 'follow the decrees that give life.' No matter what we face or what we've done there is the way of life for all who will follow.
A - Following is critical. Following involves my will and decisions I am empowered/expected to make. The free will given by the Lord does not mean free from consequence. Life and death do hang in the balance but the Living God has no pleasure in death including the death of the wicked. Even when we are besieged by pressurized and desperate situations (caused by others or of our own making) life is still available and the call to follow hasn't changed. Israel's question was how to live and the Lord's question is why will you die? All are called to turn, to turn into life and away from death. It’s a turn we have to take more than once in our lives and more than once in a day. The call of life, the call of Jesus hasn't changed: "Follow me."
P - Dear Lord who is Life,
Thank you for all you are doing known and unknown to me! Lord Jesus, I choose to follow, to turn-in, to come under, to humble myself under your mighty hand, to welcome your promises from afar and your will on earth like they do in heaven. Lord, let me be one who is receiving your life, refreshing, vibrant, irrepressible and pure. Let me be one through whom you give life of the exact same order. Thank you for my assignment and for all that I can't do, can't control and can't influence. Thank you for loving me, wanting me and calling me to yourself. Let your purposes be on, in and through me today. Let me bring you glory and make you glad. Thank you for daily bread and for daily direction and daily life. Thank you for letting me love you back and for allowing such to matter to you (it is the world to me)! This day is your day, I will follow and keep turning in.
Nai Kurie (Yes, Lord),
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Leadership Essentials for Today and the Future

O - The working definition of covenant (it matters to me because it matters to you) is fully at work in this sad exchange between the Lord and Solomon. The Lord will delay what has become, at Solomon's insistence, the inevitable disassembling of Israel for the sake of his covenant with David. It mattered to David and so for his sake it would matter to the Lord even though David was no longer on the scene. David's life was not without some major stumbling but it was without consistent disregard for that which mattered to the Lord. Solomon's failures were different than David's.
Solomon failed to:
1. Stay astonished at the Lord and that the Lord would use him.
2. Live out the fierce personal loyalty the Lord offers and requires.
David's failures were:
1. Violating the written voice in adultery, murder and numbering the people.
2. Allowing murders (Joab) and incest (Absalom & Tamar).
David made the way for the next generation to exceed and excel all he ever did. Solomon doomed the next generation to decline and difficulties. David is forever the man after God's own heart and Solomon isn't.
A - Clearly, I want to live out my purpose in my generation as David did. I want to enable the generation coming behind me to exceed and excel. I want to be so strongly committed to Jesus that I can lay up and prepare for that which I will never see, worship in, enjoy or be directly identified with (Solomon's temple not David's). As long as the Lord allows me to have a leadership function my assignment is to live out loud the reality of covenant, astonishment at his person and his partnership through me and to consistently respond (even amidst some failures) with the fierce personal loyalty he deserves. I really do want to live this way this day and every day while it is called today!
P - God of Covenants,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit - thank you for wanting and enabling me/us to covenant relationship with you. Thank you for letting me/us come near and stay near. Thank you for wanting us at our worst and not just at our best … and for making a way at our worst to renew and respond in covenant class relationship. You really are slow to anger and quick to forgive. Lord, thank you for this day and for all it holds - most of which is yet a mystery to me. Thank you for the mundane and for the outrageous love and intense challenges which come our way in the blink of an eye … for you are purposeful in everything you cause and in everything you allow, working it all for good. Lord, enable me to join you in your work and to bring you glory and make you glad. Let me be a real leader and so engage you, your spirit, voice and word that those who come behind will exceed and excel it all.
I ask in Jesus' name,
Monday, September 20, 2010
What's Your View of Lamaze?
S - Luke 1:37-38, 45 (NLT): "For nothing is impossible with God." Mary responded, "I am the Lord's servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants. May everything you have said come true." And then the angel left. … You are blessed, because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.""
O - Abraham was the first to hear the words from God about God that nothing is too hard or impossible for him (Genesis 18:14). It was spoken in reference to the long awaited and physically impossible birth of a son. Mary hears these words and though the means of conception will be very different the impossibility is the same. The conclusion of Elizabeth, heaven and the Scriptures is that Mary is blessed (like Abraham) because she BELIEVED the Lord not because she bore the Christ (the entire human race will be blessed because she bore Jesus). The distinction is NOT subtle nor a semantically inspired exercise in theological hair-splitting. While faith will always lead us to certain actions and activities, the God-pleasing is always in the person to person believing. Many people act "for" God and yet are full of unbelief. Their actions may even be the very same of those who do believe (babies have been born since Adam and Eve) but the reality here and hereafter will never be the same (Hebrews 11:6).
A - The question is not what am I willing to sacrifice for God nor what am I willing to do for him … the question is will I take him at his word and believe that NOTHING is impossible, too difficult nor too wonderful for him to do? This believing is not relegated to certain times, events or situations. This believing is about every day while it is called today … and this is the God-pleaser because it keeps our hearts as open to him as his is to us. This faith brings us face to face with him who wants us and calls us to live with him, work with him, live in him for ever and ever. This faith is us taking him at his word the same way he takes us at ours … if we repent, he forgives; if we worship he receives; if we pray he will hear us. He does not call me to figure out what I can do for him … he calls me/us to believe that he can do anything and then calls us to do it with him. Jesus makes it clear that the work of God is to believe! This is the life of faith that Jesus lived and the life he calls all who follow him to live as well "As Father sent me so I am sending you."
P - Lord of all including the impossible,
Today is my only day, my only touch with you, eternity, faith, mercy, and forever life (vibrant, refreshing, irrepressible). This is my day to welcome you and your will on earth into that which is impossible, difficult and too wonderful for me. Lord, I do believe! I will do the work of believing and ask that I may understand/see what you are doing so I may do it with you. Thank you for NOT calling me to work for you but with you via faith … just like Mary and Abraham. I turn to you the face and throw open my heart, my very little life and all that is in my sphere of influence and say … my answer is yes … I welcome new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and that which is too wonderful for me.
Thanks for wanting me,
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Wanted: Forget Dead, Only Alive
S - James 2:20-26 (NLT): "Fool! When will you ever learn that faith that does not result in good deeds is useless? Don't you remember that our ancestor Abraham was declared right with God because of what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see, he was trusting God so much that he was willing to do whatever God told him to do. His faith was made complete by what he did--by his actions. And so it happened just as the Scriptures say: "Abraham believed God, so God declared him to be righteous.” He was even called "the friend of God." So you see, we are made right with God by what we do, not by faith alone. Rahab the prostitute is another example of this. She was made right with God by her actions--when she hid those messengers and sent them safely away by a different road. Just as the body is dead without a spirit, so also faith is dead without good deeds."
O - While the good deeds of faith includes how we respond to the poor and to our neighbors it is not limited there. Abraham's "good deed" was taking Isaac up Moriah. Rahab put her life at risk and this is the faith which engaged the righteousness God gives and accepts. Faith, without which we cannot please God, is pervasive, all-encompassing and always required of us (from first to last). It is by grace but not without choice and the choice of faith will always lead to action. Faith, genuine faith (i.e. living faith) will always engage:
1. obedience which puts the command of the Lord above his promise.
2. fierce personal loyalty to the Lord above his greatest blessings.
3. the need to obey today above the hopes and dreams of tomorrow.
Both Rahab and Abraham took their futures (and the futures of their families) into their own hands and believed God. They took him at his word. Faith really is acts of obedience followed by acts of God and if God doesn't act we're COOKED (Romans 1:5).
A - Without acts of obedience faith isn't faith at all. Since everything in God's Kingdom lives (living stones, bread, water, sacrifices, hope) my faith must live too. Faith without deeds is not even existing … the Scriptures identify it as dead, regardless of the information it contains or the truths it affirms. With Abraham and Rahab I am in such a season of intentional activities which require God's acts too. The bouts of apprehension, pain and fear are actually signs of life rather than doubt or unbelief. The dead feel nothing at all. Doubt and unbelief rationalize obedience away to inspire disobedience or a compromise of partial obedience which is not obedience at all (e.g. Saul and Agag - 1 Samuel 15). In spite of how it feels, living faith acts in the obedience which demonstrates the fierce personal loyalty the Lord gives and deserves. Living faith will say with the Shepherd King "the time I am afraid I will trust in him." This is my assignment today, in this challenging season and every day while it is called today.
P - God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Rahab, David and James,
Thank you for being my God too! Thank you for your gift and requirement of faith and for giving me the opportunity to live this out loud in this season of time. Abraham and Rahab demonstrated the faith which results in righteousness by their acts of obedience. Such acts not only confirmed their faith in you but brought about the affirmation of your friendship and secured their future in your awesome will. Lord, for me, my Jan our Jake and Heather and for all with whom we have to do, please let me live out the faith you give and require. I am waiting with you, not just on you. I am welcoming your promises from afar and mixing them with faith. I am asking you for new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and for that which is too wonderful for me. The time I am afraid I will trust in you.
O - While the good deeds of faith includes how we respond to the poor and to our neighbors it is not limited there. Abraham's "good deed" was taking Isaac up Moriah. Rahab put her life at risk and this is the faith which engaged the righteousness God gives and accepts. Faith, without which we cannot please God, is pervasive, all-encompassing and always required of us (from first to last). It is by grace but not without choice and the choice of faith will always lead to action. Faith, genuine faith (i.e. living faith) will always engage:
1. obedience which puts the command of the Lord above his promise.
2. fierce personal loyalty to the Lord above his greatest blessings.
3. the need to obey today above the hopes and dreams of tomorrow.
Both Rahab and Abraham took their futures (and the futures of their families) into their own hands and believed God. They took him at his word. Faith really is acts of obedience followed by acts of God and if God doesn't act we're COOKED (Romans 1:5).
A - Without acts of obedience faith isn't faith at all. Since everything in God's Kingdom lives (living stones, bread, water, sacrifices, hope) my faith must live too. Faith without deeds is not even existing … the Scriptures identify it as dead, regardless of the information it contains or the truths it affirms. With Abraham and Rahab I am in such a season of intentional activities which require God's acts too. The bouts of apprehension, pain and fear are actually signs of life rather than doubt or unbelief. The dead feel nothing at all. Doubt and unbelief rationalize obedience away to inspire disobedience or a compromise of partial obedience which is not obedience at all (e.g. Saul and Agag - 1 Samuel 15). In spite of how it feels, living faith acts in the obedience which demonstrates the fierce personal loyalty the Lord gives and deserves. Living faith will say with the Shepherd King "the time I am afraid I will trust in him." This is my assignment today, in this challenging season and every day while it is called today.
P - God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Rahab, David and James,
Thank you for being my God too! Thank you for your gift and requirement of faith and for giving me the opportunity to live this out loud in this season of time. Abraham and Rahab demonstrated the faith which results in righteousness by their acts of obedience. Such acts not only confirmed their faith in you but brought about the affirmation of your friendship and secured their future in your awesome will. Lord, for me, my Jan our Jake and Heather and for all with whom we have to do, please let me live out the faith you give and require. I am waiting with you, not just on you. I am welcoming your promises from afar and mixing them with faith. I am asking you for new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and for that which is too wonderful for me. The time I am afraid I will trust in you.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Hard not Broken Hearts are Really a Problem
S - Exodus 9:27-30, 33-35 (NRSV): "Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron, and said to them, "This time I have sinned; the Lord is in the right, and I and my people are in the wrong. Pray to the Lord! Enough of God's thunder and hail! I will let you go; you need stay no longer." Moses said to him, "As soon as I have gone out of the city, I will stretch out my hands to the Lord; the thunder will cease, and there will be no more hail, so that you may know that the earth is the Lord's. But as for you and your officials, I know that you do not yet fear the Lord God."…"So Moses left Pharaoh, went out of the city, and stretched out his hands to the Lord; then the thunder and the hail ceased, and the rain no longer poured down on the earth. But when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the hail and the thunder had ceased, he sinned once more and hardened his heart, he and his officials. So the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he would not let the Israelites go, just as the Lord had spoken through Moses."
O - This exchange between Pharaoh and Moses happens as a result of the plague of hail. Barnes notes: "With the plague of hail begins the last series of plagues, which differ from the former both in their severity and their effects. Each produced a temporary, but real, change in Pharaoh’s feelings." And this is exactly the point. The fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom, the fear of the Lord which is actually life giving, life sustaining and vibrantly effective in and through human beings is NOT emotion or circumstantially based, though it can inspire very strong emotion. The fear of the Lord is based upon the Lord; the Lord who never changes, who is almighty and all merciful, who is awesomely brilliant, powerful and good. Emotions change; circumstances change; but he does not and neither does this requirement. The failure of Pharaoh is the failure of many people from the poorest of the poor to the rich and powerful; the human heart is headed toward hardness all on its own and will inspire the tragic misperceptions that leave lives in ruin … the presence of this essential quality (the fear of the Lord) is the only cure and preventative. My Working Definition of the fear of the Lord: the wholesome dread of displeasing the One I love.
A - The most painful condition for us humans is a broken heart, but it is not the most serious. The hardened heart is the most serious and this is one which only has one cure. The cure is not reserved for "bouts" of hardness but must be a consistent element if one is to gain and maintain a healthy heart. The fear of the Lord (not emotionally based), the humbling of self (not circumstantially based on good or bad events) will soften a hard heart and keep a healthy heart soft. Like most things in the Kingdom of Jesus, the truth is straightforward and the challenge is in the application. I need to choose and the Holy Spirit needs to empower my choice … it's all by grace but not without choice … I choose.
P - Lord who fashions and shepherds the heart,
I do choose to engage the wholesome dread of displeasing the One I love because you have loved me first, most and have refused to change your mind. I ask that you will put the Holy Spirit on me, in me and cause Him to flow through me unto real life, refreshing, vibrant and resilient. As I continue to follow you into the unknown and uncharted ways of this new assignment I need my heart healthy and in-tune with you and your purposes to me and through me. I need to humble myself under your mighty hand and not allow circumstances to drive me but your greatness, brilliance, goodness and power to lead me. There is so much I do not know and many new circumstances which are coming my way. Lord you know how I am made and the way I will naturally default to … even trying to do it as you would have me to. Let me be one with a soft heart, a vibrant heart, a heart where you feel at home -- regardless of my current emotional status. I ask again for open doors and open heavens; for you to do wonderful things, things far beyond me. I welcome your promises from afar today while it’s called today and embrace the unchanging truth that you are purposeful in everything you cause and in everything you allow. Thank you for letting me love you back and letting it mean something to you:).
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The "Fat Lady" has a Final Note but Never the Final Word
S - 2 Kings 20:5-11 (NLT): ""Go back to Hezekiah, the leader of my people. Tell him, `This is what the LORD, the God of your ancestor David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you, and three days from now you will get out of bed and go to the Temple of the LORD. I will add fifteen years to your life, and I will rescue you and this city from the king of Assyria. I will do this to defend my honor and for the sake of my servant David.' “Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah's servants, "Make an ointment from figs and spread it over the boil." They did this, and Hezekiah recovered! Meanwhile, Hezekiah had said to Isaiah, "What sign will the LORD give to prove that he will heal me and that I will go to the Temple of the LORD three days from now?" Isaiah replied, "This is the sign that the LORD will give you to prove he will do as he promised. Would you like the shadow on the sundial to go forward ten steps or backward ten steps?" "The shadow always moves forward," Hezekiah replied. "Make it go backward instead." So Isaiah asked the LORD to do this, and he caused the shadow to move ten steps backward on the sundial of Ahaz!"
O - This story is such a strange and dynamic mix of heaven and earth. Hezekiah is told that his time is up, he's sick and should put his house in order … the fat lady is warming up. With her prelude in his ears he convulses a prayer which heaven not only hears but honors. Fifteen more years are decreed for him and the prophet is sent back to recalibrate the previously delivered message. He will be healed … but in three days AND an ointment is to be applied AND the sun will be "moved back" a bit to confirm that this is all true. If the Lord is willing (and he was) to move the shadows (i.e. the sun) why does Hezekiah have to wait three days to be healed and why is there any need of medical intervention? The Scriptures do not give us any reason for this particular recipe which may be a part of the point. The Kingdom of God and the God of it is not primarily efficient. Neither are his decisions and activities subject to our approval or preferences. He is engaged with us and our world, requires us to ask, is always willing to move heaven and earth for the sake of those who love him back AND his ways are his own. We're not told why Hezekiah has to wait three days only that he does. Far from whimsical or arbitrary, we are called to believe for what we pray and that he is working EVERYTHING for good and for the good of those who love him back and stay called according to HIS purpose (e.g. Romans 8:28).
A - Our assignment, my assignment, is not found in the how or when but believing THAT the Lord will work. When we ask (and if something is not going to happen it shouldn't be because we didn't ask) we are required to be humble enough to accept the Lord's reply and the way he wants to answer. His ways are his own. He calls us to himself not a formula and to his ways (and still no formula) … and whosoever will may come.
P - Lord of heaven and earth,
I am so very grateful for your ongoing interface with earth and with my very little life. I admit that your ways are your own and that you call me to yourself and to your ways. Lord, for all that I am asking, I am believing that you are working and I welcome you and the way you want to answer. I will do whatever you want me to. I will take you at your word and continue to ask big because nothing is too hard, nothing is impossible, nothing is too wonderful for you.
Ignoring the Fat Lady,
O - This story is such a strange and dynamic mix of heaven and earth. Hezekiah is told that his time is up, he's sick and should put his house in order … the fat lady is warming up. With her prelude in his ears he convulses a prayer which heaven not only hears but honors. Fifteen more years are decreed for him and the prophet is sent back to recalibrate the previously delivered message. He will be healed … but in three days AND an ointment is to be applied AND the sun will be "moved back" a bit to confirm that this is all true. If the Lord is willing (and he was) to move the shadows (i.e. the sun) why does Hezekiah have to wait three days to be healed and why is there any need of medical intervention? The Scriptures do not give us any reason for this particular recipe which may be a part of the point. The Kingdom of God and the God of it is not primarily efficient. Neither are his decisions and activities subject to our approval or preferences. He is engaged with us and our world, requires us to ask, is always willing to move heaven and earth for the sake of those who love him back AND his ways are his own. We're not told why Hezekiah has to wait three days only that he does. Far from whimsical or arbitrary, we are called to believe for what we pray and that he is working EVERYTHING for good and for the good of those who love him back and stay called according to HIS purpose (e.g. Romans 8:28).
A - Our assignment, my assignment, is not found in the how or when but believing THAT the Lord will work. When we ask (and if something is not going to happen it shouldn't be because we didn't ask) we are required to be humble enough to accept the Lord's reply and the way he wants to answer. His ways are his own. He calls us to himself not a formula and to his ways (and still no formula) … and whosoever will may come.
P - Lord of heaven and earth,
I am so very grateful for your ongoing interface with earth and with my very little life. I admit that your ways are your own and that you call me to yourself and to your ways. Lord, for all that I am asking, I am believing that you are working and I welcome you and the way you want to answer. I will do whatever you want me to. I will take you at your word and continue to ask big because nothing is too hard, nothing is impossible, nothing is too wonderful for you.
Ignoring the Fat Lady,
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Conflict We Can't Avoid: Folly or Faith?
S - 2 Kings 18:29-30, 32b, 19:10-11, 14-15a (NLT): "This is what the king says: Don't let King Hezekiah deceive you. He will never be able to rescue you from my power. Don't let him fool you into trusting in the LORD by saying, `The LORD will rescue us! This city will never be handed over to the Assyrian king.' … "Don't listen to Hezekiah when he tries to mislead you by saying, `The LORD will rescue us!' … "This message is for King Hezekiah of Judah. Don't let this God you trust deceive you with promises that Jerusalem will not be captured by the king of Assyria. You know perfectly well what the kings of Assyria have done wherever they have gone. They have crushed everyone who stood in their way! Why should you be any different? … After Hezekiah received the letter and read it, he went up to the LORD's Temple and spread it out before the LORD. And Hezekiah prayed …"
O - This type of confrontation (Sennacherib against Hezekiah) is not a relic of ancient history reserved for ancient kings. It is the conflict of the god of this age against the real God, the God of all of the earth. Every man, woman and child will find themselves caught in this conflict at one time or another. It works on all levels of this age from the individual to the corporate to cities, states and nations. The voice of this age offers the same basic rationale to us all. It calls us to not believe, not trust and not obey the Lord. The voice of the world (even the religious world), the Devil and our own fallen selves offer the same basic reasons to not believe the Lord which Sennacherib screemed at Hezekiah:
1. You don't have enough power on your own.
2. You are no different from all the others who have been conquered/failed.
3. The Lord won't rescue you.
4. Trusting God will only end in self-deception (foolishness and folly).
5. This whole thing is inevitable you might as well give up right now.
A - All of these tap into the fear we all carry. Only the first of them is currently true - we don't have enough power on our own. This should not surprise or intimidate any follower of Jesus because we all know this to be true. Nevertheless, this truth seems or appears to give credence to the rest. The second is partially true because we are no different in ourselves, but Jesus makes the difference, changes the whole dynamic and "un-casts" whatever dye was previously cast. Our assignment in and through this conflict is the same one we have in peaceful seasons as well: believe, trust, obey. Those who belong to the Lord and trust him find the same conclusion recorded in Scripture - Sennacherib cannot win and Hezekiah cannot lose.
P - Lord of all and Lord of me,
I am hearing Sennacherib's voice. I am facing Sennacherib's army and I am not strong enough to resist nor defeat him. I am no different from any other on the face of this earth … I am a sinner, I am failed and flawed and I have many times done what I should not do and failed to do what I should. Nevertheless, with you all things are possible and because of your relentless love, unflickering mercy and amazing grace I am with you and you are with me. Lord, I believe and am trusting and will obey. Hear and see the taunt, show me my part in your deliverance. I am asking, seeking and knocking and humbling myself to receive your answer however you chose to give it. I re-present my request for new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and for that which is too wonderful for me. I am looking to you and waiting with you, for your deliverance and provision and your way to be revealed. Lord, I will follow you no matter where you lead me and no matter what I face.
Sanctus Dominus est (Holy is the Lord),
O - This type of confrontation (Sennacherib against Hezekiah) is not a relic of ancient history reserved for ancient kings. It is the conflict of the god of this age against the real God, the God of all of the earth. Every man, woman and child will find themselves caught in this conflict at one time or another. It works on all levels of this age from the individual to the corporate to cities, states and nations. The voice of this age offers the same basic rationale to us all. It calls us to not believe, not trust and not obey the Lord. The voice of the world (even the religious world), the Devil and our own fallen selves offer the same basic reasons to not believe the Lord which Sennacherib screemed at Hezekiah:
1. You don't have enough power on your own.
2. You are no different from all the others who have been conquered/failed.
3. The Lord won't rescue you.
4. Trusting God will only end in self-deception (foolishness and folly).
5. This whole thing is inevitable you might as well give up right now.
A - All of these tap into the fear we all carry. Only the first of them is currently true - we don't have enough power on our own. This should not surprise or intimidate any follower of Jesus because we all know this to be true. Nevertheless, this truth seems or appears to give credence to the rest. The second is partially true because we are no different in ourselves, but Jesus makes the difference, changes the whole dynamic and "un-casts" whatever dye was previously cast. Our assignment in and through this conflict is the same one we have in peaceful seasons as well: believe, trust, obey. Those who belong to the Lord and trust him find the same conclusion recorded in Scripture - Sennacherib cannot win and Hezekiah cannot lose.
P - Lord of all and Lord of me,
I am hearing Sennacherib's voice. I am facing Sennacherib's army and I am not strong enough to resist nor defeat him. I am no different from any other on the face of this earth … I am a sinner, I am failed and flawed and I have many times done what I should not do and failed to do what I should. Nevertheless, with you all things are possible and because of your relentless love, unflickering mercy and amazing grace I am with you and you are with me. Lord, I believe and am trusting and will obey. Hear and see the taunt, show me my part in your deliverance. I am asking, seeking and knocking and humbling myself to receive your answer however you chose to give it. I re-present my request for new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and for that which is too wonderful for me. I am looking to you and waiting with you, for your deliverance and provision and your way to be revealed. Lord, I will follow you no matter where you lead me and no matter what I face.
Sanctus Dominus est (Holy is the Lord),
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Every Day is a Bull Market in the Kingdom of Jesus
S - Rev. 5:9-10 (NIV): " And they sang a new song: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” "
O - The new song is inspired by an "old" theme - the worth of the Lord. The Greek term means weighing, having weight, having the weight of another thing of like value, worth as much; it is a conclusion reached by engaging a process of accurate assessment. It's "finding" can be negative or positive depending on the results of the assessment. There are literally endless reasons the Lord is worthy. He really is wonderful, tender, merciful, magnanimous, faithful, brilliant, patient, powerful, good, loving, mighty and holy. Nevertheless, the conclusion reached by the assessment in this song cites none of these and zeroes in on only one specific conclusion. Jesus is worthy because he was slain, purchasing people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation with his blood. "Purchased" is a verb which means to buy or redeem. It references one who is active in the market place in the process of buying and selling and includes the idea of those who haunt or hang around there. This facet of the worth of Jesus did not come out of the resource of his person, a distant purchase out of his "wealth" executed by a servant or representative. Jesus personally engaged the market place of humanity and purchased by his blood (the currency of grace) that which was already his by right. Thus, having set up an account which cannot be exhausted he himself still haunts the market place of the human race looking to redeem any and all. The result of his entrepreneurial activity ends with the highest rating possible. Jesus is worthy!
A - This facet of the Lord's worth requires me not only to rejoice in the intent of his purchase (to make us a kingdom of kings and priests) and the dignity of this purchase (enabling all people with the privilege of choice according to grace) but the medium of his purchase - his blood. This means that I, in the service of his person, must not refuse him any request, shrink back from any circumstance nor falter under any pressure concerning my own person. “Whether we live or whether we die we belong to the Lord.” Because Jesus is worthy and because God has a will on earth and because he is purposeful in everything he causes and everything he allows I willingly give myself over to his designs to be spent however he wishes. I welcome his will even if it means trial and pain and apparent loss. I willingly give myself over to whatever he prefers because he is worthy and I am privileged to follow, to trust and to obey.
P - Holy Lord, most Holy Lord,
You alone are worthy of my praise. Holy Lord, most Holy Lord with all of my heart I sing: Great are you Lord! Worthy of praise! Great are you Lord; most Holy Lord. Thank you for allowing me to rehearse, proclaim, dialogue with others and be recalibrated in the truth: when I fear the Lord I NEVER have to be afraid. So, today (every day) enable me to turn away from the seductive imposition of those circumstances and people which really have no ultimate power over me; to refuse the worry which distracts, disables and wants to drive me. Rather, according to your worth and in the power of your resurrection life allow me to turn to you and boldly, confidently and lovingly live out the wholesome dread of being disconnect from the One I love … the One who has loved me first, most and refused to change his mind. Dearest and Almighty Lord, I welcome this fear, this holy fear inspired by and sustained in your love to rest upon me, shape my thoughts, attitudes, words and actions. Enable me to love you back in this way.
O - The new song is inspired by an "old" theme - the worth of the Lord. The Greek term means weighing, having weight, having the weight of another thing of like value, worth as much; it is a conclusion reached by engaging a process of accurate assessment. It's "finding" can be negative or positive depending on the results of the assessment. There are literally endless reasons the Lord is worthy. He really is wonderful, tender, merciful, magnanimous, faithful, brilliant, patient, powerful, good, loving, mighty and holy. Nevertheless, the conclusion reached by the assessment in this song cites none of these and zeroes in on only one specific conclusion. Jesus is worthy because he was slain, purchasing people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation with his blood. "Purchased" is a verb which means to buy or redeem. It references one who is active in the market place in the process of buying and selling and includes the idea of those who haunt or hang around there. This facet of the worth of Jesus did not come out of the resource of his person, a distant purchase out of his "wealth" executed by a servant or representative. Jesus personally engaged the market place of humanity and purchased by his blood (the currency of grace) that which was already his by right. Thus, having set up an account which cannot be exhausted he himself still haunts the market place of the human race looking to redeem any and all. The result of his entrepreneurial activity ends with the highest rating possible. Jesus is worthy!
A - This facet of the Lord's worth requires me not only to rejoice in the intent of his purchase (to make us a kingdom of kings and priests) and the dignity of this purchase (enabling all people with the privilege of choice according to grace) but the medium of his purchase - his blood. This means that I, in the service of his person, must not refuse him any request, shrink back from any circumstance nor falter under any pressure concerning my own person. “Whether we live or whether we die we belong to the Lord.” Because Jesus is worthy and because God has a will on earth and because he is purposeful in everything he causes and everything he allows I willingly give myself over to his designs to be spent however he wishes. I welcome his will even if it means trial and pain and apparent loss. I willingly give myself over to whatever he prefers because he is worthy and I am privileged to follow, to trust and to obey.
P - Holy Lord, most Holy Lord,
You alone are worthy of my praise. Holy Lord, most Holy Lord with all of my heart I sing: Great are you Lord! Worthy of praise! Great are you Lord; most Holy Lord. Thank you for allowing me to rehearse, proclaim, dialogue with others and be recalibrated in the truth: when I fear the Lord I NEVER have to be afraid. So, today (every day) enable me to turn away from the seductive imposition of those circumstances and people which really have no ultimate power over me; to refuse the worry which distracts, disables and wants to drive me. Rather, according to your worth and in the power of your resurrection life allow me to turn to you and boldly, confidently and lovingly live out the wholesome dread of being disconnect from the One I love … the One who has loved me first, most and refused to change his mind. Dearest and Almighty Lord, I welcome this fear, this holy fear inspired by and sustained in your love to rest upon me, shape my thoughts, attitudes, words and actions. Enable me to love you back in this way.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Jesus' Prayer: "In them" not just "Amen"
S - John 17:1-5, 25-26 (NIV): "“Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. 2 For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. 3 Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. 4 I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. 5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began. … “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” "
O - Jesus uses the noun Father six times in his 26 verse prayer which does not end with an "amen" but an "in them." He has made, and will continue to make, known his Father to those who believe in order that the Father's love for Jesus and Jesus himself would be in us. This is the Lord's desire to this very day. We need to welcome his activity to continue to make the Father known to us - not just an intellectual rehashing of what we already know but a fresh and vibrant experience in his awesome person. Without the direct touch of his spirit what we know, wonderful and true, does not work in us as it ought to. It is his person, face to face, which transforms … renewed minds are to be led to transforming touches of his person -- God's gift, the gospel, is a person! Jesus also used the noun "glory" six times. And verse four confirms that bringing God glory is all about completing the work he has for us to do; which is not the same as doing everything that could possibly be done. The touch of God's Spirit includes both release and restraint … and in this dynamic is the glory he seeks. Today, God is seeking glory in and through my life even as I am seeking his will, his touch and the presence of Jesus in me and through me. This is all a miracle, the kingdom, the only hope I have, we have, our world has and Jesus is fully prepared to love, shepherd and touch the world. The point of his prayer, and this should be the point of mine, is "in them" not just an "amen."
A - Today I need to and want to live out my believing in the way which moves toward an "in them" and not simply an "amen." Just like Jeremiah at the potter's house, I am the clay and his work in me will always involve showers of grace and shaping in his image. I welcome this even when I don't like it or cannot explain it. I admit my need of ongoing experiences in his presence and love so that the result of kingdom information would consistently be producing in me and through me kingdom transformation.
P - Lord who is the Glory of God,
I praise you for this day and for your awesome goodness and kindness which is mine because of grace. Thank you for having a will on earth which includes me. I want to fulfill your purpose, to complete the work you have given be to do. I admit that this work is not always clear to me and yet I do welcome your release and your restraint. I admit that the glory you seek in my life is not fulfilled in a frantic do everything which is possible but rather to do everything which completes my assignment. Lord, I know so little about my assignment. Please shepherd me. I accept and expect your shepherding unto your glory and the good of all.
"in them",
Monday, August 9, 2010
Who's Your Favorite Drinking Buddy?
S - John 7:37-39 (NLT): "On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, "If you are thirsty, come to me! If you believe in me, come and drink! For the Scriptures declare that rivers of living water will flow out from within." (When he said "living water," he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in him. But the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet entered into his glory.)"
O - Thirst is an ongoing reality for all who live on planet earth. We are designed to need to drink and to drink consistently. Jesus calls us to identify that we are thirsty, what we are thirsty for and where we will look to drink. Thirst is not a weakness it is a designed need. It remains a part of our existence and it remains for us to admit and confess this need. This is true in our bodies, souls and spirits … thirst is and thirst is a need. One's thirst (body, soul or spirit) and how it is quenched does affect the others. Living water has an exclusive source but its availability has been given over to public domain. Anyone who recognizes their thirst can come to Jesus for living water. Everyone who believes him has access to the only living thirst quencher there is. This is in keeping with Jesus who is life and with his kingdom where everything lives - stones, bread, sacrifices, faith, water, hope, etc.
A - Thirst is accelerated or diminished by one's activities and environment. This is true for body, soul and spirit. I need to be aware of both in all respects to my design and work with Jesus in living out the design he made. The environment of this season and my activities in learning new wineskins has definitely increased my intake requirements (soul and spirit). I need to (and want to) make sure I am keeping my life near him, in him and in line with his design. I get to love him back with all I am (body, soul and spirit) and he wants all of me to be as he intends. Drinking in all three realities is something he designed and something I not only get from him but get to do with him. He is never offended by my needs. One thirst (body, soul or spirit) is not another and all three must be quenched. How and even if we quench them has profound affect and influence on the others and the quenching of one does not eliminate or overrule the designed need of the others. There are moments/situations where the Lord can/does suspend or override certain body or soul needs (we call the miracles), but this is always a temporary arrangement and he insists we return to our design.
P - Lord who is Life,
Thank you for this new wineskin season and for the demands it contains. I admit my need, my thirst and the joy of living water. Thank you for making a way for my thirst needs to be met body, soul and spirit and for giving me/us access to you whenever I/we wish and as much as I/we wish. Lord, today is full and I am thirsty. Today has demands and my design requires drinking. I turn to you, to your awesome offer and supply and I will drink deeply. I will make sure that my soul and body are not neglected, since the higher does not stand without the lower by your design. Lord, I love you back. I invite you to come drinking with me … unto new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and that which is too wonderful for me.
O - Thirst is an ongoing reality for all who live on planet earth. We are designed to need to drink and to drink consistently. Jesus calls us to identify that we are thirsty, what we are thirsty for and where we will look to drink. Thirst is not a weakness it is a designed need. It remains a part of our existence and it remains for us to admit and confess this need. This is true in our bodies, souls and spirits … thirst is and thirst is a need. One's thirst (body, soul or spirit) and how it is quenched does affect the others. Living water has an exclusive source but its availability has been given over to public domain. Anyone who recognizes their thirst can come to Jesus for living water. Everyone who believes him has access to the only living thirst quencher there is. This is in keeping with Jesus who is life and with his kingdom where everything lives - stones, bread, sacrifices, faith, water, hope, etc.
A - Thirst is accelerated or diminished by one's activities and environment. This is true for body, soul and spirit. I need to be aware of both in all respects to my design and work with Jesus in living out the design he made. The environment of this season and my activities in learning new wineskins has definitely increased my intake requirements (soul and spirit). I need to (and want to) make sure I am keeping my life near him, in him and in line with his design. I get to love him back with all I am (body, soul and spirit) and he wants all of me to be as he intends. Drinking in all three realities is something he designed and something I not only get from him but get to do with him. He is never offended by my needs. One thirst (body, soul or spirit) is not another and all three must be quenched. How and even if we quench them has profound affect and influence on the others and the quenching of one does not eliminate or overrule the designed need of the others. There are moments/situations where the Lord can/does suspend or override certain body or soul needs (we call the miracles), but this is always a temporary arrangement and he insists we return to our design.
P - Lord who is Life,
Thank you for this new wineskin season and for the demands it contains. I admit my need, my thirst and the joy of living water. Thank you for making a way for my thirst needs to be met body, soul and spirit and for giving me/us access to you whenever I/we wish and as much as I/we wish. Lord, today is full and I am thirsty. Today has demands and my design requires drinking. I turn to you, to your awesome offer and supply and I will drink deeply. I will make sure that my soul and body are not neglected, since the higher does not stand without the lower by your design. Lord, I love you back. I invite you to come drinking with me … unto new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and that which is too wonderful for me.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Chess for One?
S - John 3:31-36 (NLT): ""He has come from above and is greater than anyone else. I am of the earth, and my understanding is limited to the things of earth, but he has come from heaven. He tells what he has seen and heard, but how few believe what he tells them! Those who believe him discover that God is true. For he is sent by God. He speaks God's words, for God's Spirit is upon him without measure or limit. The Father loves his Son, and he has given him authority over everything. And all who believe in God's Son have eternal life. Those who don't obey the Son will never experience eternal life, but the wrath of God remains upon them.""
O - These are the words of John the Baptist in response to his disciples' concerns over Jesus baptizing more people than John. They arise in the context of a dispute over ceremonial cleanings. John does not engage the topic of cleansing but goes straight to the person of Jesus. He identifies some key realities about Jesus and about us. Jesus:
1. Is from above.
2. Is greater than anyone else.
3. Speaks God's words.
4. Has God's Spirit without measure or limit.
5. Is loved by the Father.
6. Has authority over everything.
All people are called and invited to believe, even though like John we all have the limitations of being of the earth. Those who believe:
1. Discover that God is true.
2. Have eternal life.
3. Obey Jesus and experience eternal life.
A - While the fullness of eternal life awaits the day when Jesus returns the beginning of it, in earnest, knows no delay. Not only does faith in Jesus establish the immediate possession of such life (like the possession of citizenship with all its rights, privileges and responsibilities) it throws open the doors of his irrepressible life unto the ongoing experience of it. Jesus is not calling me to a primarily cerebral engagement but to a personal and dynamic relationship. Faith in Jesus is not like a one-player chess game where we play both sides of the board, one for us and the other for how we think he would play. Jesus makes his own moves, calls me/us to come near and experience his person, spirit, love, forgiveness, mercy, brilliance, joy, hope and the myriad of other awesome realities which flow from his person. Faith in Jesus is not merely a change in categories or a change in worldview … it is a change in worlds … born again or from above is how he describes it. Let the growth begin, the discoveries come, the joys and challenges engage. Faith does not make me a member of club but of a family. We are not the result of our wills but of his - and he has called all to himself.
P - Lord from Above,
I do praise you for calling me/us to yourself and to the new creation, the new world which flows from your life to us. Jesus, you do put the face on God and no one is greater than you. Thank you for not confining me/us to cerebral gymnastics and mere changes in category. Thank you for giving us your very self and for wanting the same from us. As you continue to work, as the Father works and as the Spirit works, I want to work with you. To do what you are doing when you are doing it and when you're not doing it, or anything else, to not make it up or force the issue. The real joy is not in any accomplishment or attainment … it is in you alone.
Lord, I run to you,
O - These are the words of John the Baptist in response to his disciples' concerns over Jesus baptizing more people than John. They arise in the context of a dispute over ceremonial cleanings. John does not engage the topic of cleansing but goes straight to the person of Jesus. He identifies some key realities about Jesus and about us. Jesus:
1. Is from above.
2. Is greater than anyone else.
3. Speaks God's words.
4. Has God's Spirit without measure or limit.
5. Is loved by the Father.
6. Has authority over everything.
All people are called and invited to believe, even though like John we all have the limitations of being of the earth. Those who believe:
1. Discover that God is true.
2. Have eternal life.
3. Obey Jesus and experience eternal life.
A - While the fullness of eternal life awaits the day when Jesus returns the beginning of it, in earnest, knows no delay. Not only does faith in Jesus establish the immediate possession of such life (like the possession of citizenship with all its rights, privileges and responsibilities) it throws open the doors of his irrepressible life unto the ongoing experience of it. Jesus is not calling me to a primarily cerebral engagement but to a personal and dynamic relationship. Faith in Jesus is not like a one-player chess game where we play both sides of the board, one for us and the other for how we think he would play. Jesus makes his own moves, calls me/us to come near and experience his person, spirit, love, forgiveness, mercy, brilliance, joy, hope and the myriad of other awesome realities which flow from his person. Faith in Jesus is not merely a change in categories or a change in worldview … it is a change in worlds … born again or from above is how he describes it. Let the growth begin, the discoveries come, the joys and challenges engage. Faith does not make me a member of club but of a family. We are not the result of our wills but of his - and he has called all to himself.
P - Lord from Above,
I do praise you for calling me/us to yourself and to the new creation, the new world which flows from your life to us. Jesus, you do put the face on God and no one is greater than you. Thank you for not confining me/us to cerebral gymnastics and mere changes in category. Thank you for giving us your very self and for wanting the same from us. As you continue to work, as the Father works and as the Spirit works, I want to work with you. To do what you are doing when you are doing it and when you're not doing it, or anything else, to not make it up or force the issue. The real joy is not in any accomplishment or attainment … it is in you alone.
Lord, I run to you,
Friday, July 30, 2010
The Proof of Genuine Faith
S - 1 Peter 1:2, 6-8 (NLT): "God the Father chose you long ago, and the Spirit has made you holy. As a result, you have obeyed Jesus Christ and are cleansed by his blood. May you have more and more of God's special favor and wonderful peace. … So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though it is necessary for you to endure many trials for a while. These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold. So if your faith remains strong after being tried by fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him, you trust him; and even now you are happy with a glorious, inexpressible joy."
O - Faith is never proved genuine by what it obtains. It is only proved genuine by what it endures. This is because the focus and dynamic of faith is all about the Lord's person, not his activities. Genuine faith will be a reason for the Lord to do many things, wonderful and impossible things, on earth, in us and through us. It will require us to think, act and speak in certain ways but these ways are not a formula to obtain but rather the expressions of fierce personal loyalty to the Lord and to his greatness, to loving him back and staying called to his purpose come what may. Faith in Jesus is simply that - a vibrant trust in the person unto the glorious and inexpressible joy of his relentless love.
A - I am in a particularly intense season of following and believing, of seeking and asking of acts of obedience followed by acts of God and if God doesn't act I'm cooked. I am inspired and provoked by my history with the Lord and what I believe he has put in my heart to do with him. Currently I am in the "in between" of having left the boat but not yet completing my stroll on the water with him. I am asking and believing for his activity - no doubt in this. However along the way and in the ways of his work (and from my perspective delay) I am, we are, enduring. This enduring, this believing through the pressure and unknowns and fears is the proof of genuine faith. When, and I do mean WHEN the Lord does what I believe he has planned to do we will be "singing and dancing" but our receipt of this will not be the proof of our faith but a result of it. All things really are possible to him who believes but faith is only proved genuine in him who endures.
P - Lord who endured and who still endures,
Thank you for this day and my assignment in it. Thank you for this season which is both proving our faith as genuine and bringing about your will on earth as it happens in heaven. Thank you for the partnership of believing you. I do praise you for your written voice and for your speaking voice. I do love you back and pledge myself to your purpose even when I don't know what it is or don't like how it is currently unfolding into my life. Lord, you are the Lord and I yield again today to your awesome brilliance, unlimited power and extreme goodness. Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief:),
O - Faith is never proved genuine by what it obtains. It is only proved genuine by what it endures. This is because the focus and dynamic of faith is all about the Lord's person, not his activities. Genuine faith will be a reason for the Lord to do many things, wonderful and impossible things, on earth, in us and through us. It will require us to think, act and speak in certain ways but these ways are not a formula to obtain but rather the expressions of fierce personal loyalty to the Lord and to his greatness, to loving him back and staying called to his purpose come what may. Faith in Jesus is simply that - a vibrant trust in the person unto the glorious and inexpressible joy of his relentless love.
A - I am in a particularly intense season of following and believing, of seeking and asking of acts of obedience followed by acts of God and if God doesn't act I'm cooked. I am inspired and provoked by my history with the Lord and what I believe he has put in my heart to do with him. Currently I am in the "in between" of having left the boat but not yet completing my stroll on the water with him. I am asking and believing for his activity - no doubt in this. However along the way and in the ways of his work (and from my perspective delay) I am, we are, enduring. This enduring, this believing through the pressure and unknowns and fears is the proof of genuine faith. When, and I do mean WHEN the Lord does what I believe he has planned to do we will be "singing and dancing" but our receipt of this will not be the proof of our faith but a result of it. All things really are possible to him who believes but faith is only proved genuine in him who endures.
P - Lord who endured and who still endures,
Thank you for this day and my assignment in it. Thank you for this season which is both proving our faith as genuine and bringing about your will on earth as it happens in heaven. Thank you for the partnership of believing you. I do praise you for your written voice and for your speaking voice. I do love you back and pledge myself to your purpose even when I don't know what it is or don't like how it is currently unfolding into my life. Lord, you are the Lord and I yield again today to your awesome brilliance, unlimited power and extreme goodness. Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief:),
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