Monday, September 20, 2010

What's Your View of Lamaze?

S - Luke 1:37-38, 45 (NLT): "For nothing is impossible with God." Mary responded, "I am the Lord's servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants. May everything you have said come true." And then the angel left. … You are blessed, because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.""

O - Abraham was the first to hear the words from God about God that nothing is too hard or impossible for him (Genesis 18:14). It was spoken in reference to the long awaited and physically impossible birth of a son. Mary hears these words and though the means of conception will be very different the impossibility is the same. The conclusion of Elizabeth, heaven and the Scriptures is that Mary is blessed (like Abraham) because she BELIEVED the Lord not because she bore the Christ (the entire human race will be blessed because she bore Jesus). The distinction is NOT subtle nor a semantically inspired exercise in theological hair-splitting. While faith will always lead us to certain actions and activities, the God-pleasing is always in the person to person believing. Many people act "for" God and yet are full of unbelief. Their actions may even be the very same of those who do believe (babies have been born since Adam and Eve) but the reality here and hereafter will never be the same (Hebrews 11:6).

A - The question is not what am I willing to sacrifice for God nor what am I willing to do for him … the question is will I take him at his word and believe that NOTHING is impossible, too difficult nor too wonderful for him to do? This believing is not relegated to certain times, events or situations. This believing is about every day while it is called today … and this is the God-pleaser because it keeps our hearts as open to him as his is to us. This faith brings us face to face with him who wants us and calls us to live with him, work with him, live in him for ever and ever. This faith is us taking him at his word the same way he takes us at ours … if we repent, he forgives; if we worship he receives; if we pray he will hear us. He does not call me to figure out what I can do for him … he calls me/us to believe that he can do anything and then calls us to do it with him. Jesus makes it clear that the work of God is to believe! This is the life of faith that Jesus lived and the life he calls all who follow him to live as well "As Father sent me so I am sending you."

P - Lord of all including the impossible,

Today is my only day, my only touch with you, eternity, faith, mercy, and forever life (vibrant, refreshing, irrepressible). This is my day to welcome you and your will on earth into that which is impossible, difficult and too wonderful for me. Lord, I do believe! I will do the work of believing and ask that I may understand/see what you are doing so I may do it with you. Thank you for NOT calling me to work for you but with you via faith … just like Mary and Abraham. I turn to you the face and throw open my heart, my very little life and all that is in my sphere of influence and say … my answer is yes … I welcome new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and that which is too wonderful for me.

Thanks for wanting me,


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