Monday, August 9, 2010

Who's Your Favorite Drinking Buddy?

S - John 7:37-39 (NLT): "On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, "If you are thirsty, come to me! If you believe in me, come and drink! For the Scriptures declare that rivers of living water will flow out from within." (When he said "living water," he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in him. But the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet entered into his glory.)"

O - Thirst is an ongoing reality for all who live on planet earth. We are designed to need to drink and to drink consistently. Jesus calls us to identify that we are thirsty, what we are thirsty for and where we will look to drink. Thirst is not a weakness it is a designed need. It remains a part of our existence and it remains for us to admit and confess this need. This is true in our bodies, souls and spirits … thirst is and thirst is a need. One's thirst (body, soul or spirit) and how it is quenched does affect the others. Living water has an exclusive source but its availability has been given over to public domain. Anyone who recognizes their thirst can come to Jesus for living water. Everyone who believes him has access to the only living thirst quencher there is. This is in keeping with Jesus who is life and with his kingdom where everything lives - stones, bread, sacrifices, faith, water, hope, etc.

A - Thirst is accelerated or diminished by one's activities and environment. This is true for body, soul and spirit. I need to be aware of both in all respects to my design and work with Jesus in living out the design he made. The environment of this season and my activities in learning new wineskins has definitely increased my intake requirements (soul and spirit). I need to (and want to) make sure I am keeping my life near him, in him and in line with his design. I get to love him back with all I am (body, soul and spirit) and he wants all of me to be as he intends. Drinking in all three realities is something he designed and something I not only get from him but get to do with him. He is never offended by my needs. One thirst (body, soul or spirit) is not another and all three must be quenched. How and even if we quench them has profound affect and influence on the others and the quenching of one does not eliminate or overrule the designed need of the others. There are moments/situations where the Lord can/does suspend or override certain body or soul needs (we call the miracles), but this is always a temporary arrangement and he insists we return to our design.

P - Lord who is Life,

Thank you for this new wineskin season and for the demands it contains. I admit my need, my thirst and the joy of living water. Thank you for making a way for my thirst needs to be met body, soul and spirit and for giving me/us access to you whenever I/we wish and as much as I/we wish. Lord, today is full and I am thirsty. Today has demands and my design requires drinking. I turn to you, to your awesome offer and supply and I will drink deeply. I will make sure that my soul and body are not neglected, since the higher does not stand without the lower by your design. Lord, I love you back. I invite you to come drinking with me … unto new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and that which is too wonderful for me.


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