Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Essential Metric for Effectiveness

S - "You did not choose me. I chose you and sent you out to produce fruit, the kind of fruit that will last. Then my Father will give you whatever you ask for in my name. So I command you to love each other." John 15:16-17 TJB


O - Four sentences which continue to underscore the relational nature of the Kingdom of God which is near.  We are given the great dignity of choosing back the one who chose us.  

·       Our understanding and participation in the reality of God's Kingdom is never the result of our own intellectual or spiritual prowess.  

·       Producing anything that will last has only one starting place - love.  Without love whatever we're working on or hoping for cannot and will not last.  It must be our starting place each day, circumstance and activity.  We choose where we start.

·       In our metrics of assessment in all facets of life, if love is not the first and most important we've missed big.  I can actually know if I'm choosing and pursuing love … even if those around me don't think I am.  

·       The only direct command of Jesus is that we love each other.  Fruitful living and praying are directly connected to our engaging this instruction.


A - The beginning of all worthwhile activities is the same, love. My capacity to miss, drift from or refuse this reality is always present. Nevertheless, it’s something I can choose do to regardless of my current emotional state or opinion. Culture wants me to work longer, think deeper, study harder and acquire more as the way to successful and useful living.  Heaven wants me to love.  In fact, the Scriptures are clear on this point: without love it all becomes noise and nothing. Not only do I admit Jesus' command, I will embrace and engage it.      


P - Our Father, 

Thank you for the great dignity of choice and of choosing you back; of choosing where I start and what I will embrace as my primary metric of assessment.  An open heart, open heaven and open future are all connected to this always simple but not always easy reality.  I say yes to you, to love and the nearness of your Kingdom.  Am so very grateful that love and all its relentless benefits are only a decision away.

Grateful for the command and coaching of Jesus,


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