S - "After Jesus had finished speaking, he looked up toward heaven and said: Father, the time has come for you to bring honor to your Son, in order that he may bring honor to you. And you gave him power over all people, so he would give eternal life to everyone you give him. This is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ, the one you sent." John 17:1-3
O - In this conversation with the Father, Jesus affirms the surprising purpose of unlimited authority. It is not to exert a forced compliance on others but to enable them to a relationship which is eternal life; a vibrant and irrepressible life. This humble and loving use of such power demonstrates God’s relentless love and his desire for ongoing relationship with the human race, individually and eternally.
A - The Kingdom of God is relationships not theological conclusions or religious rituals. There is no one unreachable or "too far gone" to make eternal life impossible. Without the direct involvement of Jesus and this power none of us will be able to engage the relationship which is eternal life. It requires a miracle for each one to enter and remain in this eternal dynamic.
P - Father of Jesus and Father of us,
You are not only amazing in your limitless power but in the way you choose to wield it. This great dignity of choice and the relational dynamic which is your kingdom is mind blowing and heart melting. I am intensely grateful that the possessor and dispenser of this authority is Jesus! I admit the impossibility without him and so enjoy the knowing made possible by him. We are completely and unconditionally loved and I love you back!