S -"As John grew up, God’s Spirit gave him great power. John lived in the desert until the time he was sent to the people of Israel. … At that time [i.e. years later] God spoke to Zechariah’s son John, who was living in the desert. So, John went along the Jordan Valley, telling the people, “Change your thinking and be submerged! Then your sins will be forgiven.” Luke 2 & 3 TS
O -It's quite striking that with all the spiritual dynamics surrounding John the Baptist's birth and assignment given by heaven he would not start any activity until he was "sent" by God. Like the One he would precede and prepare the way for, John did not work for God but with him. In this work, he would stand in direct opposition to the thinking and religious practice of the day. His primary "audience" would not think that being submerged in water was something they would need to do. This act was reserved for Gentiles who were converting to Judaism. But thinking must change and heaven's invitation is never to a particular religious group. John was calling all people to change their thinking about everything. Being submerged was not about converting to a religion but committing to a person … the One who would come after John and would submerge in the Holy Spirit and fire.
A -The pressure to do something rather than wait is tremendous in the world we live in. Earth (secular and religious) wants movement, perceived progress or growth and it always wants it now. Heaven is already working everything for good without us and has its own timetable. The point of our activities is much less about what one is doing and way more about whom one is working with. Waiting is work … it's challenging to one's mind and cultural predispositions. But then, its difficulty only confirms John's words and those which Jesus would also say. Change your thinking, the Kingdom is near and not far away. Earth wants me busy, heaven want me near. Jesus tells us "Stay joined to me, and I will stay joined to you. Just as a branch cannot produce fruit unless it stays joined to the vine, you cannot produce fruit unless you stay joined to me. I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without me." (John 15 TS) I hear him say: Rather than submerging YOURSELF in activities let me submerge you in the Holy Spirit … follow me; work with me not for me; you will be very fruitful.
P -Lord who is the vine,
I admit my ongoing and never-ending need of transformed thinking … about everything. I will do the work of waiting and am grateful to be near rather than just busy. I will work with you not for you … unto everything you already have in mind to do. Thank you for loving us first and most; and for refusing to change your mind. I love you back!
Ready for a submerging in the Holy Spirit,
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