S - "From the very first day, we were there, taking it all
in—we heard it with our own ears, saw it with our own eyes, verified it with
our own hands. The Word of Life appeared right before our eyes; we saw it
happen! And now we’re telling you in most sober prose that what we witnessed
was, incredibly, this: The infinite Life of God himself took shape before us.
We saw it, we heard it, and now we’re telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. Our motive for writing is simply this: We want you to enjoy this, too. Your joy will double our joy!" 1 John 1:1-4 MSG
O - What makes a credible witness of God and his
Kingdom is not
one's theological prowess but one's relational experience with Jesus. Fellowship, life together, sons and daughters is not
based upon a common creed or set of principles but on a shared friendship and
ongoing experience of the person heaven sent to the world God loves (currently
7.4 billion). Jesus clarifies
the person and purposes of God and his Kingdom. "When
a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent
me. When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me." (John 12)
Theological frameworks, religions and religious practices do not and cannot
offer this. Only in Jesus is the entire world invited to experience God's love and adoption.
A - As a child I was taught to sing "Jesus loves me this
I know for the Bible tells me so."
The Scriptures do tell us this. However, this is NOT how we are to know
that we are loved. As an example, I don't know my wife loves me because the
wedding vows we took included such a statement.
I know it because I am experiencing her presence and love on a daily
basis. I don't know Jesus loves me just
because the Scriptures say it. I know it
because I experience him and his love day by day. He says “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think
that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify
about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” Experiencing him and his
love is the point. This is the joyous
experience of communion with the Father and his Son referenced above. I am very grateful to be experiencing him and his never ending love!
P - Lord who loves us more than life,
you for giving yourself to us day by day according to love. I give myself back to you completely. Though this exchange is drastically unequal it is the point of life forever with you in your Kingdom.
you back,
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