Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Determining the Route Your Life Will Take

S - "Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days. Then he said to his disciples, "Let us go back to Judea." "But Rabbi," they said, "a short while ago the Jews tried to stone you, and yet you are going back there?" Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light.""John 11:5-10 NIV

O - Exactly what "daylight" was Jesus walking by? Loving his friends didn't get him to move in response to an obvious emergency. The threat of death didn't influence his travel plans. Doesn't it sound like Jesus is already stumbling along in the "dark" unsure of his route and unclear in his thinking? Isn't he missing the obvious signs of safe and accurate navigation on planet earth? Night for Jesus, and for us all, will never have to do with anything this world offers as a rationale for decision making or for setting the course of one's life.  The Scriptures are very clear that God is light and in him there is no darkness.  God does have a will on earth and it can be known by us and yet God's ways are not like earth's.  The source of Jesus' day was not found in the way things are according to earth but the way they are according to heaven.  The true light is already shining and the darkness cannot comprehend nor overcome it.  Jesus will navigate his day, his week and his entire life by the light that is really light. At the end of this story, we find that Jesus really is walking in the light and inviting us all to walk with him. He says to one and to all 'think differently' or 'change the way you think' because the kingdom of heaven is near.

A - The source of light in our world is never from our planet but from the heavens (sun, stars and moon). This is a great analogy for me. The light of life, the light which makes navigation clear, safe and life-giving is not from this earth or world. Light is a person and he has called me to listen to him, follow him, believe him and love him back unto God's will on earth just like it happens in heaven. Should I take my own way I will end up in darkness.  If I ignore the light I have it will become a darkness in me. Jesus tells me/us that light comes through/to a single eye … an eye turned to and fixed on Jesus; his person, presence and words. I will believe him about earth so I can really hear him about heaven (cf. John 3:11-12).

P - Lord who is light,
Thank you for wanting us all to come near, to stay near, to live in you and to welcome you to live in us. Thank you that you want us to see, hear, know, experience and give away the life that is really life; vibrant, irrepressible, eternal … and you are that life. Today I welcome your will on earth (in me) like they do in heaven and look forward to loving you with all I am and my neighbor as myself.  I welcome the work of believing and the joy of your company. Lord, today while it is called today I believe.


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