S - “And
when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. This must take
place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom
against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places; there will be
famines. These are but the beginning of the birth pains.” Mark 13:7-8 ESV
O -
Jesus is convinced bad news is coming. He didn't say if it comes but
when it comes. Our world's headlines confirm it day after day. How should we think about a world racked by
war, natural disasters and tragedy? His response is neither cavalier or
fatalistic. He wants us to think of them and respond to them like a woman in
labor. The pains are terrible and the dynamics are life threatening. Yet, hope
is strong during the ordeal and joy forthcoming when the baby arrives. The
pains are unavoidable but there are some things which can be done to minimize
them. He affirms that while we don't know when the pains will end we do know
him … and he is the expert on all matters relating to heaven and earth. He is
not suggesting that we live in denial but rather that we live and work in great
hope; even amidst severe circumstances.
Jesus wants us to know that these convulsions on earth are actually
going some place very good, very sweet and full of life.
A -
Wars, earthquakes, famines, etc. will happen and yet we need to work to
bring peace, alleviate suffering and help our fellow citizens on planet earth.
However, all of our best efforts will be temporary until he returns because
permanent peace and the cessation of tragedy waits until then … just as the
baby waits amidst the contractions. According to Jesus, there's something for
me to do each day as the contractions/convulsions come and go … Love God with
all my heart, mind, soul and strength and love my neighbors and my enemies as
my equal, as I love myself. According to Jesus, everything depends (hangs) on
this (Matthew 22:40).
P - Lord of Heaven and Earth,
Am so
very grateful you're not asking us to pretend about anything or to
"like" the pains our world convulses with. For whatever I can do to alleviate such,
count me in. Day by day I promise to
love you back and to love all others. I
accept your coaching on world events, my status in them and my response to them
… I won't be alarmed and I will be encouraged … joy is on the way!!
I love
you back,
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