Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sent the Same Way

S - John 20:21-23 (TLJ): "Then Jesus said again, 'Peace be with you. It was the Father who sent me, and I am now sending you in the same way.' Then he breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of anyone, their sins are forgiven. If there is anyone whose sins you don't forgive, their sins are not forgiven.'"

O - In what "way" was Jesus sent by the Father?  Certainly in and by the Spirit. Yet, the immediate application of the Spirit's presence was connected to forgiving sins rather than demonstrating the Spirit's gifts of power. The issue of forgiving or not forgiving sins was not empowering the disciples to "send someone to hell" by refusing forgiveness; but a commission to never refuse to forgive.  It's an assignment with a caution not an enablement with a threat. The way of Jesus is the way of unflickering forgiveness; relentless love; defiant mercy.

A - Jesus is the way and he calls me to follow him in that same way … the way he was sent by his Father.  It is not the way of this world (secular and religious). The way of this world is always afraid of something and the way of Jesus and his Father is the way which fears nothing and always loves all.  This how Jesus was sent … not to condemn, not to judge (and he's even THE Judge), but to serve, forgive, love and call all to come near and stay near.  Today I will come near, stay near and follow him in the way that IS Jesus. It's the only way the Father sends.

P - You Who leads, sends and is with us always,
Today is in your hands and so am I; whatever the circumstances and/or logistics coming my way the way remains the same.  I choose you, your way, you who are the way.  I want to start at love, lead with mercy and then face the facts (mine and others).  I choose to forgive any and all and admit that this alone is the marker of my own forgiveness.  Thank you for tying the forgiveness of heaven to my forgiving on earth … it is most helpful.  You lead; I'll follow unto the life that is really life.
All my love,


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