Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Real Work

S - Matthew 24:46-47 (TLJ): "When the master comes and finds that servant doing the work he gave him, what a great day it will be for that servant. I can tell you without a doubt, the master will choose that servant to take care of everything he owns."

O - While each follower of Jesus will receive some specific assignments to engage in on the earth, these opportunities will never really be "the work".  The work is only one for all who follow; one without respect to functional roles, resources, skills and the like. The work is believing the person of Jesus (John 6:27-29). Other good and even necessary activities cannot and will not replace this work which all of his followers/servants have been given (Matthew 7:21-23).  This work keeps us connected with his person and keeps everything possible (Mark 9:23).  All other actions pale in comparison to this and cannot be a replacement for the work of believing (Luke 18:1-8). What's possible to the one who believes? Everything! What will the master give over to the one who is doing this work? Everything!

A - It will be a great day for all when the master comes and finds us doing the work he gave us, the work of believing. This is my work even though secular and religious culture (Christianity included) wants me to believe something other than believing is really the work.  Jesus never called one person to a cause, goal or mission.  He only calls us to himself.  Follow me is the singular and exclusive call.  In following he identified my work … believing his person; not the concept of Jesus or merely in his capacities, promises and/or plans.  Today, I will do the work my master has assigned me knowing that it keeps me connected to him who is life and it keeps everything possible.

P - Lord of all and Lord of me,
Thank you for not calling me to a task but to yourself.  I am very glad to be following and to be engaging the work of believing unto new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and that which is too wonderful for me.  Today is your day and I am yours in it. Lead on. I'll follow and believe.


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