Saturday, April 20, 2013

A.K.A. Barabbas

S - Mark 15:15 (NAS): "Wishing to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas for them, and after having Jesus scourged, he handed Him over to be crucified."

O - The Scriptures identify the motives of the Religious Leaders, Pilate and Jesus.  The Leaders are motivated by fear and envy, Pilate by fear and social pressure and Jesus by love (John 14:31). Pilate wondered why Jesus didn't answer him and why the crowd would take up the chant of crucify.  Jesus didn't wonder at all.  He knew that he would not be released and that Barabbas would be. He offered no self-defense and no objection to the exchange. His silence was not a passive acceptance of that which was beyond his control.  Rather, he actually accomplished everything, everything, he and his Father set out to do.  Barabbas was released from his deserved punishment for the same reason I am; the same reason anyone who wishes can be.  The reason is Jesus.  Jesus who is (A.K.A.)the message from heaven; who is life, the friend of sinners and the salvation of the world.

A - I am Barabbas and Jesus is still Jesus.  He is slow to anger and quick to forgive.  I am quick to fail and often slow to apologize and slower to understand.  He willingly bears my burdens (tangible and intangible; earthly and spiritual).  He didn't pay the price to set me free … he paid the price to keep both Barabbas and me free.  He has loved us/me first, and most and refuses to change his mind.  To the degree one cannot be hurt, to that same degree one cannot be loved or love.  Jesus is completely hurt on the cross because he completely loves and therefore may be completely loved.

P - Great God Almighty,
You have set your affection upon us because you love us and won't change your mind.  I praise you for not calling us to amnesty but to adoption.  Today, I want to love you back with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and my neighbor as myself.  I will accept what you have offered me … freedom.  I will use this freedom to follow you, to serve others and to hope that I might be a reason another would believe. Thank you for letting me pray in Jesus' Name.

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