Friday, March 8, 2013

Leaning is Unavoidable--the Choice is Upon What or Whom

S - Matthew 28:18a, 19a, 20b (TLJ): "All authority in heaven and on earth is given to me. So go and make followers of all people in the world. … You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of time."

O - All authority. All people in all nations. With us always.  These are the universals which do not change.  They encompass the whole and are dependent upon only one reality.  The person of Jesus.  Jesus has all authority.  Jesus wants all people.  Jesus is with us always.  The person of Jesus has always been the point of heaven's activity from creation to the end of the age and beyond.  Jesus is the Gospel. He is the exact representation of the Father's person and it is his person and his presence which is the essential factor in all of these "all statements."  Presence not theology.  Presence not methodology.  Presence not psychology.  Presence not religion. Presence not organization, resources, skills or capacities.  He has called us to make followers of his person not followers of others who represent him. Jesus the concept has no presence and no authority.  Jesus the person is a presence and has all authority.  He, not the concept of his being, will forever be with those who believe--starting now. Matthew 18:20: "For where two or three come together in my  name [the person], there am I with them [his presence not a concept]."

A - The problem is that I've been taught to rely (lean) on the concept of Jesus rather than the person. Jesus' call to all is not primarily a call to mission but a call to himself. Simply and straightforward he says 'follow me  … and I will make you …'.  Humans take control of the concept of Jesus and develop authorities which function exactly like the institutions of this age which are coming to nothing.  Heaven has given us the person of Jesus who functions like heaven on earth and is everything last will last forever.  Today, I will lean into presence not resource, information, skill, capacities or methods.  Today, I will be a follower of Jesus the person and hope to be made into one who might be a reason that others would believe HIM.

P - God Almighty,
You gave Jesus all authority and you give Jesus to all the world … Jesus the person not Jesus the concept.  I am asking you to please help me to see, know, believe, love and follow him.  Lord Jesus, I accept and welcome your presence and your authority over all things and all beings.  I want you to be the distinguishing feature of my very little life.  Today, I admit the purpose of following you and you making/transforming me.  Today I engage the assignment to love you back with my all, no matter how little or pathetic and to love all others as myself. I will turn to you the face and take up to work of believing … believing you the person not the concept. I do love you back and thank you for wanting to be with us and for us to live in you.
Not leaning on my own understanding,

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