Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Days … Today While it is Called Today

S - Luke 10:38-42 (NLT): "As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed them into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was worrying over the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me." But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details! There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it--and I won't take it away from her.""

O - So, what would have happened if Martha had decided to sit down too?  Not as a boycott for "better working conditions" but to join Mary and the others in the discovery of the "only one thing worth being concerned about." Would they have all missed dinner? That seems to be about worst case scenario I can see in this situation.  Would Mary be able to just sit there if she was unwilling to abandon her worry?  I'm guessing not, based on my own life experience.  Even if she refused the work in the kitchen worry can so deeply distract and disable us that all other influences, even the person of Jesus, are minimized or missed.  Why did/would Jesus allow Mary to just sit there?  Culturally and practically shouldn't he shame her into action?  Scripturally shouldn't he invoke some principle or command about sharing, caring, helping or going the extra mile? The Scriptures don't tell us what happened.  But they do call us to a very important conclusion: there is only really one thing worth being concerned about and we should never let anything or anyone interfere with our ongoing response to it (him). All other issues and concerns can and ultimately will be taken away from us.  But this one cannot and will not be taken from us.  Jesus, his presence, his person is the one thing worth being concerned about. Apparently, Fonzie and Happy Days got it right "just sit on it."

A - Martha has been castigated for her "problem" for centuries … but I remind myself that she ran to the Lord as he approached her home after the death of her brother Lazarus while Mary stayed put.  Who is choosing better now?  This reality of priority and choosing is forever a tricky one for us humans.  There really is no formula.  Even our best intensions cannot guarantee a right conclusion.  In this story it seems to me that Martha is working for the Lord while Mary is working with him. In fact the Greek term for concern or need is (creiva) and it means employment, needful, required, business.   Ultimately Jesus will conclude his "session" and when he does he will:
a.       Send everyone home or to bed hungry and tell them suffering is a part of discipleship.
b.      Miraculously suspend the need for them to eat and quell their hunger pangs.
c.       Miraculously provide dinner like with the 5,000.
d.      Say … I'm starved, let's all get dinner going and then get up and lead the way to the kitchen.
However this event might have concluded, one reality remains … there is only one thing worth being concerned about which will not be taken from me or from any … and my assignment is to always focus my concern there - being with Jesus and working with Jesus not working for him.

P - Lord,
You are the something and the only thing worth being concerned about and you will never be taken from us and you will never forsake or abandon us.  I am often heading toward the kitchen or wondering why I'm not getting some immediate help here and this means I'm at least distracted and worried.  You call me to live only today and today there is only one thing worth being concerned about.  I surrender to, welcome and yield to you, your awesome brilliance, limitless power and extreme goodness.   Jesus, I love you back and need you to touch my eyes because I woke up again this morning seeing people walking like trees. Father, please help me by repelling the yeast of the Pharisees and infusing me with the yeast of your kingdom.  Holy Spirit, please intercede for me because I am weak and because you have a will on earth I'm invited to partner in.  Lord, I put, cast, fling all my anxieties on you … I want to work with you, be with you, love you back and have you and your Father and the Spirit living in me.  Please let your life flow into me and out of me.
Sitting with you,

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