Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Do You Say to Yourself When the Pressure is On?

S - Lamentations 3:24-26, (NIV): "I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.  … For men are not cast off by the Lord forever. Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love. For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men."

O - Wait quietly? Waiting when literally "all hell is breaking loose" is not only a challenge for the one waiting but for those close by who think it's us on them to work something out.  To the world (religious and secular) waiting under the pressure of severe trouble or trial is rarely (maybe never) viewed as a good choice.  They claim adult responsibilities, stewardship, loving and caring for others, the very same claims which are used to rationalize an exemption from the actions of God pleasing faith (e.g. the reasoning used at Kadesh Barnea, Numbers 13,14). In the end, this kind of "logic" leaves us denying the Lord's person and personal involvement.  Such patterns conclude in actually trusting in oneself and not in the Living God. This distinction strikes to the very heart of all issues … pleasing God with faith.  We can risk, sacrifice, work hard and use the words of Scripture all without faith; but we can never please God without it.  Under the "deserved" punishments Jeremiah resolves to wait and to rely on God because so great is his unfailing love ...he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men.

A - I want to be one who waits and relies on God so that I will not be attempting to work for him when he's called me (and all) to be those who work with him.  Waiting is work just like believing is work … that we may in fact work the works of God.  He is not only magnanimous and generous he is extreme in his goodness, relentless in his love and delighted to engage us and our world.  Today, my place is with him not for him, in him not about him, looking for his assignment rather than me making one up on his behalf.  Even if my circumstances are the worst and a deserved worst at that (and thankfully today they are actually very good) Jesus calls me to come near and to stay near, to wait, to believe and to receive his affirmation and assignment.  This I gladly choose to do according to grace.

P - God Almighty, Lord of all and Lord of me,
You remember us, have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, never forget to be merciful and never forget that we are frail as breath and just dust. You have set your affection upon us and refuse to change your mind. Lord, today I want to do the waiting and work which is your will on earth like it happens in heaven so that I am relying on you and not on me "in your name".  Today I admit your great and tender brilliance, generosity and commitment toward the race you fashioned in your own image.  Please cause your irrepressible resurrection life to flow into me and out of me that I may be all you intend and be a blessing to all I come in contact with today.  You have loved me/us first and most and have refused to change your mind … and I have given you reasons all along the way and you won't!  These thoughts make be bold according to your love, your person, your beauty.  O King, thank you for letting me/us and wanting me/us to be with you and in you forever.  I do love you back!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's not When Pigs Fly but When They Drown

S - Mark 5:14-15, 17 (TLJ): "The men who had the work of caring for the pigs ran away. They ran to the town and to the farms and told everyone what happened.  The People went out to see. They came to Jesus, and the saw the man who had the evil spirits. He was sitting down and was wearing clothes. He was in his right mind again. When they saw this, they were afraid.  … Then the people began to beg Jesus to leave their area."

O - Fear is a funny thing.  Over time the town's folk had grown used to the naked man with all the demons who lived in the burial caves.  They had accepted him as some of the unavoidable collateral damage this world produces and contains.  A guy with a legion of resident demons--no problem. What scared them was when Jesus put him in his intended condition … near, clothed, fully engaged. Their conclusion based on fear?  Beg Jesus to leave … now! Why not beg him to stay?  Why not ask him to help others?  Why not rejoice in the freedom of the man?  Fear seems to be the answer. I wonder who brought this guy the clothes?  Did a couple of the disciples donate a piece of their clothing?  Did one of the town's people who as first on the scene accomplish this?  Whoever did it wasn't afraid … and I think in this regard Jesus wants all of us to not be afraid and to partner with him in the freedom he brings … and for the begging … that we beg him to go with him.

A - I want to be someone who will partner with Jesus; who will be happy for one set free rather than fearful; who will be concerned to bring clothes rather than furious at the drowned pigs.  Even when I am afraid, and in following Jesus we do experience fear, I want to beg him to stay and to beg him to let me go with him.  I want to live out loud the terms of David's response: the time I afraid I will trust in him.  Today, I want to partner with the Lord, refuse to accept collateral damage and stay near.  Wow, what a great assignment today while it is called today.

P - Lord who is freedom, life, hope and the friend of sinners,
Thank you for my assignment today in staying near, in partnership even when I am afraid.  Thank you for loving all and calling me to love with you.  Thank you for leading … and Lord I beg you please DO NOT leave the region of my life and PLEASE let me go with you, work with you and be with you today while it is called today.  Let your irrepressible and vibrant life flow into me and out of me.  Lord, I want to be someone who runs for the clothes not from the pigs. 
Lord, I love you back,

Friday, October 14, 2011

Shakespeare was Right about the Question of Being

S - Luke 24:44-53 (NLT): "Then he said, "When I was with you before, I told you that everything written about me by Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms must all come true." Then he opened their minds to understand these many Scriptures. And he said, "Yes, it was written long ago that the Messiah must suffer and die and rise again from the dead on the third day. With my authority, take this message of repentance to all the nations, beginning in Jerusalem: `There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to me.' You are witnesses of all these things.  "And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven." Then Jesus led them to Bethany, and lifting his hands to heaven, he blessed them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up to heaven. They worshiped him and then returned to Jerusalem filled with great joy. And they spent all of their time in the Temple, praising God.""

O - No one goes to the tomb thinking resurrection … everyone goes thinking corpse, thinking dead, thinking tragedy, thinking how do we go forward from here?  All of this is interrupted by Jesus suddenly appearing, coming along side and opening up the minds of those who have been with him for over three years.  Shouldn't their minds already be opened?  Shouldn't at least one of them been thinking resurrection?  And then … amidst the unbridled joy of Jesus appearing, of resurrection reality and a worldwide assignment they are told to wait.  And so they do and while they wait they spend all of their time in the Temple praising God.  Shouldn't they have gone into planning mode?  Why didn't they begin the process of "agreeing" on what the message of repentance would include?  After all, will waiting and praising get anything done?  This unique start to the Great Commission and real church life underscores the priorities of the Kingdom and our 21st century problems with them.  We are all about doing and the kingdom is always about being first.  So, the disciples will be … waiting and praising for days and days and then the doing will begin. We assume the "being" as an intellectual conclusion rather than a spiritual state and direct connection relationally to the person of the Lord.  The power the disciples will wait for would first deepen, enhance and intensify their being (praising God) rather than a mere equipping for doing.  We are called to witnesses of Jesus the person not promoters of information.  The great joy of the kingdom is always about being not doing … the doing flows from the being.  Doing without being ultimately disables the person and disables the message reducing it to mere information rather than a living being.

A - I live in a culture and among a people which are all about doing.  I am called to a person and a kingdom which are all about being unto a doing which is a partnership WITH not a function FOR someone.  Jesus did not work for his Father but with him. He has not called me/us to work FOR him but WITH him. This requires being unto doing rather than doing in place of being.  It is the difference between living and dying, between light which stays light and that which becomes a great darkness … it is the difference between the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of the Kingdom.  My assignment in this day and in every day, regardless of circumstance, is to be with him and then work with him.

P - Lord who is, who works and who calls me to come near,
Thank you for your life, your kingdom, your will and your ways upon the earth.  I admit that you and your ways are holy … not like me, not like this earth.  I run to you and ask that today I will be with you and then work with you.  I re-present all the details, pressures, hopes, fears, history and dynamics which swirl in and around me.  I lay my head on your chest and ask for your life to come into me and for your life to flow out of me.  Help me see YOU first and then the wealth of your kingdom and righteousness unto all the rest being added.  I remember that my asking is ultimately about you doing it (and maybe asking me to do something with you) rather than me doing it "for" you all on my own.  Lord, I seek, knock and ask for new wineskins, mulberry trees in the ocean and for that which is too wonderful for me.
Grateful to BE with you,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Salt in Good Measure

S - Psalm 150:1-2, 6; Luke 17:32-33 (NLT): "Praise the LORD! Praise God in his heavenly dwelling; praise him in his mighty heaven! Praise him for his mighty works; praise his unequaled greatness!  … Let everything that lives sing praises to the LORD! Praise the LORD! … Remember what happened to Lot's wife! Whoever clings to this life will lose it, and whoever loses this life will save it."

O - This imperative which concludes the book of Psalms is THE best and only true beginning for each day for every human being bar none.  It is not connected to nor precluded by any circumstance, situation, tragedy or failure.  It is directly connected to his person, unequaled greatness and mighty works.  It is the right response to each day because every day begins the same:  with God all things are possible.  Think of the possibilities available to us all in just a single day.  Darkness to light, death to life, sick to healthy, broken to healed, helpless to empowered, rejected to accepted, Joseph from Pharaoh's prison to Pharaoh's throne, Israel from Egypt's slaves to Egypt's conquerors, Daniel from the Lion's Den to the Empire's Governor, Esther from an orphan to a queen, fishermen to apostles and enemies of God to his dearly loved children all in a single day.  The constant in all of this is God … the God who is and who is near us, for us, with us and who in Jesus calls us to himself.  

A - The problem for me is not the thought or truth of all the possibilities in a single day but the years Joseph spent in prison waiting for the day, the 400 years which preceded Israel's deliverance, the heartache of Esther's loss before the joy of her life's calling.  Yet, not only does every day start the same (with God all things are possible) every day is sustained by the truth that he is working EVERYTHING for the good of those who love him back and stay called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). So, while I'm thinking about all the awesome possibilities this very day holds I also get to cling to the person who makes them all possible; knowing that he is working even when I do not see it or understand it.  He is calling me to the fierce personal loyalty (trust) he deserves and also gives to me.  It seems that when I'm clinging to "my life" my praise is often subdued or silent.  When I'm clinging to him my praise is consistent and confident.  The difference between the delightful salt of the earth and a tragic pillar of salt (Lot's wife) may be determined by my clinging and assessed by my praising. 

P - Lord of life and Lord of all,

I do praise for this day which you have made and in your great mercy not only included me in this day but in your kingdom, will and very life.  I praise your excellent, flawless, brilliant greatness.  I praise your defiant mercy, relentless love and unflickering forgiveness.  I praise your awesome brilliance, limitless power and extreme goodness.  I surrender, lose, give-up and gladly lay down my life … clinging to you and your purposes.  I praise you for you are purposeful in not only everything you cause but in everything you allow.  Lord, you're allowing so much I can't explain … not only in the dark and difficult but in the blessing and beauty.  So, in this day, I hope in you.  I trust in you.  I cling to you and say Yes, Lord - lead on; I will follow.  I do love you back and choose you and your purpose. Lord, I remember you and Lot's wife.


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Days … Today While it is Called Today

S - Luke 10:38-42 (NLT): "As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed them into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was worrying over the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me." But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details! There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it--and I won't take it away from her.""

O - So, what would have happened if Martha had decided to sit down too?  Not as a boycott for "better working conditions" but to join Mary and the others in the discovery of the "only one thing worth being concerned about." Would they have all missed dinner? That seems to be about worst case scenario I can see in this situation.  Would Mary be able to just sit there if she was unwilling to abandon her worry?  I'm guessing not, based on my own life experience.  Even if she refused the work in the kitchen worry can so deeply distract and disable us that all other influences, even the person of Jesus, are minimized or missed.  Why did/would Jesus allow Mary to just sit there?  Culturally and practically shouldn't he shame her into action?  Scripturally shouldn't he invoke some principle or command about sharing, caring, helping or going the extra mile? The Scriptures don't tell us what happened.  But they do call us to a very important conclusion: there is only really one thing worth being concerned about and we should never let anything or anyone interfere with our ongoing response to it (him). All other issues and concerns can and ultimately will be taken away from us.  But this one cannot and will not be taken from us.  Jesus, his presence, his person is the one thing worth being concerned about. Apparently, Fonzie and Happy Days got it right "just sit on it."

A - Martha has been castigated for her "problem" for centuries … but I remind myself that she ran to the Lord as he approached her home after the death of her brother Lazarus while Mary stayed put.  Who is choosing better now?  This reality of priority and choosing is forever a tricky one for us humans.  There really is no formula.  Even our best intensions cannot guarantee a right conclusion.  In this story it seems to me that Martha is working for the Lord while Mary is working with him. In fact the Greek term for concern or need is (creiva) and it means employment, needful, required, business.   Ultimately Jesus will conclude his "session" and when he does he will:
a.       Send everyone home or to bed hungry and tell them suffering is a part of discipleship.
b.      Miraculously suspend the need for them to eat and quell their hunger pangs.
c.       Miraculously provide dinner like with the 5,000.
d.      Say … I'm starved, let's all get dinner going and then get up and lead the way to the kitchen.
However this event might have concluded, one reality remains … there is only one thing worth being concerned about which will not be taken from me or from any … and my assignment is to always focus my concern there - being with Jesus and working with Jesus not working for him.

P - Lord,
You are the something and the only thing worth being concerned about and you will never be taken from us and you will never forsake or abandon us.  I am often heading toward the kitchen or wondering why I'm not getting some immediate help here and this means I'm at least distracted and worried.  You call me to live only today and today there is only one thing worth being concerned about.  I surrender to, welcome and yield to you, your awesome brilliance, limitless power and extreme goodness.   Jesus, I love you back and need you to touch my eyes because I woke up again this morning seeing people walking like trees. Father, please help me by repelling the yeast of the Pharisees and infusing me with the yeast of your kingdom.  Holy Spirit, please intercede for me because I am weak and because you have a will on earth I'm invited to partner in.  Lord, I put, cast, fling all my anxieties on you … I want to work with you, be with you, love you back and have you and your Father and the Spirit living in me.  Please let your life flow into me and out of me.
Sitting with you,

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Does Bono Know that 'Stuck in a Moment' can Last for Centuries?

S - Ezekiel 48:35 (NLT): ""The distance around the entire city will be six miles. And from that day the name of the city will be `The LORD Is There.'[ Hebrew Yahweh Shammah] "."

O - This last verse in Ezekiel identifies the name of the city where the Temple was to be located … no longer called Jerusalem but Yahweh Shammah.  This parallels the Revelation which identifies that the Lord (and his throne) will make their home  with us on the new earth (rather than heaven).  Jerusalem was never renamed when the exiles returned … and of course there is much of Ezekiel's prophecy which was not engaged and may never be engaged (even as Israel did not enter the promised land the first time around).  The thought which struck me is how as humans we're most often trying to get back to a "former glory", a time more favorable than the one we're currently in and though the future is still in front of us the past is really dictating our desires, hopes and understanding.  27 centuries later the city is still called Jerusalem and it is still a mess. The mid-East peace talks resume and everybody in the region tries to go back - Jews, Palestinians and all the rest [Christians are there (and stateside) who are "Davidic worshippers"  … which is fine but many of those folks seem to exude a sense of being superior to others]. This too seems to be a trying to get back somewhere.  Over time religion/culture institutes more and more form related to the past and our vision is so myopic we lose sight of Jesus and the future he's moving to and has called us to follow him to.  His concern was that new wineskins are required for new wine … and folks like the old wine better. 

A - I am certainly in a season of continuing new wineskins … and I want to be.  My assignment today is an opportunity for new wine and new wineskins … the command we've had from the beginning and the new commandment Jesus gave us - to love each other because we're loving the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength.  I do not want to go back but to grow forward according to the Lord's defiant mercy, relentless love, awesome brilliance, limitless power, extreme goodness and amazing grace.

P - Lord who leads,
I want to follow. I am not only encouraged by my history with you but I can get so quickly "fouled" by my past … stuck in old wine and desires for old wineskins. Jesus, you are life and I want to be with you, working with you not for you; loving you back, making you glad and bringing you glory.  Lord, have mercy upon me a sinner and heal my eyes this day for I awoke yet again seeing men walking as trees.  I believe that you will cause my words to live and me to be someone your life comes into and flows out of … Lord, may I please be a reason someone else would believe.
Yahweh Shammah,