Sunday, July 4, 2010

Forget the Fish, its the Jonah in Me

S - Jonah 3:10-4:3 (NLT): "When God saw that they had put a stop to their evil ways, he had mercy on them and didn’t carry out the destruction he had threatened. 1 This change of plans upset Jonah, and he became very angry. 2 So he complained to the Lord about it: “Didn’t I say before I left home that you would do this, Lord? That is why I ran away to Tarshish! I knew that you were a gracious and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. I knew how easily you could cancel your plans for destroying these people. 3 Just kill me now, Lord! I’d rather be dead than alive because nothing I predicted is going to happen.”"

O - Jonah helps us see into the myopic worldview and self-view we share as fallen human beings. The issue for Jonah from the very first of his assignment from the Lord was all about control … Jonah was willing to do God's bidding as long as it met with his desired outcome. He didn't mind being the prophet … he didn't mind a sharp and pressing message … he didn't mind being sent to an intimidating pagan city … he DID mind God being God. And this is the issue for us all. Regardless of our length of time and assignment in his kingdom we can be so very quick to object based on our desire to know, be seen as right, to be efficient and effective and to make sure that others see as such. All of these facets will distill down to who will be in control. Our worldview must always give way to the King of the World. Our understanding must always give way to his awesome brilliance. Our circumstantial surrounds must always be seen in the light of his relentless love and unlimited power. Our actions must always be inspired by confidence in his extreme goodness for all. We are never in control and he always is … and he will not surrender it to us. It is never about us and always about him. The Good News is that he has turned his loving attention toward us.

A - The truth is I often have the same issue with the Lord that Jonah did. Mine may be in shorter duration, less dramatic in circumstance and a less apparent to the onlooker, but it is there nevertheless. The remedy remains the same … healed vision by the touch of Jesus to reshape me, my worldview and my self-view. He calls me to himself everyday and in each circumstance. He will walk point, engage the circumstance and make my assignment clear to me. I am to stay near, follow/obey and trust in his person. Reaffirming my unqualified trust in his person welcomes his spirit to enable me with eyes that see, a heart that understands and a connection with his person which is life. The Jonah in me wants to be right … but it is always a dead right. Jesus wants me to be right with him … and this always alive right.

P - Dear Lord of Life and Lord who is in control,
I admit my Jonah vision is often where I start … and I am so thankful that you want to heal me and my vision. Today is my only opportunity to trust, to love you back and to be healed. I do not want to attempt a deferral to tomorrow and I do not want to react to your brilliance based upon my very limited and flawed understanding. Lord, I understand that you are in control, are working everything for good and call me to work WITH you - even when I'm not clear on what or why you're doing what your doing and/or allowing what you are allowing. I do not want to cling to worthless idols (temporary power points or comforts) and forfeit the grace you've already apportioned to me. Lord, touch my eyes, ears, mind, spirit, attitude and heart again and again. Thank you for letting me come near and remain. I willingly yield to your awesome brilliance, unlimited power and extreme goodness.

I love you back,

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