Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Public Enemy Number One

S - "While everyone was listening to Jesus, he said to his followers: Guard against the teachers of the Law of Moses! They love to walk around in long robes, and they like to be greeted in the market. They want the front seats in the synagogues and the best seats at banquets. But they cheat widows out of their homes and then say long prayers just to show off. These teachers will be punished most of all." Luke 20

O - Why would this group be at the very top of Jesus' "Most Wanted" list? Of all the people, and groups of people, to warn against … why this one? Compared to corrupt totalitarian leaders, human traffickers, mafia god fathers and drug cartel kingpins are they really the ones Jesus' followers should be most cautious of? Should this be the group which will be "punished most of all?" Why these teachers of Scripture? Unlike the "other bad guys" these folks are not only pretending to be good, but to be good in and for God. Everyone knows the others are what they are … and Jesus is the friend of sinners.  It’s the people who hide behind Scriptural concepts and words, manipulating circumstances and others, who are in deepest trouble; the people who think and pretend that they are not sinners and are better than others; those who say one thing and live very differently. 

A - This is, at least in part, Jesus' inspiration for turning over tables in the temple rather than beds in a brothel. It's the denial, the refusal to admit and respond to one's true condition.  So, what should we do to engage Jesus' warning?  Should we go on a mission to expose all the religious frauds we can find? NO! The way we are to guard against this most insidious of all human conditions is to NOT be/or stay in that condition.  Jesus wants us to cooperate with him by guarding ourselves against and refusing to become the religiously/scripturally astute and internally corrupt. I will accept my spot on the list of sinners and will avoid being added to the list of those "punished most of all." I will keep following Jesus as his friend.  

P - Lord and Friend of sinners,
I am very grateful for your unconditional love and for this unconditional warning.  I admit that the primary person for me to influence with any Scripture on any day and in any situation is me -- to not just say scripture out loud but to live it out loud. Without you it’s all impossible.  With you everything is possible.
Living in and relying on you, Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. Steve, I remember Doug Coe saying more than once, as Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruit." This seems to be the ultimate test of those who really know Him. Thanks for the word.
    Hank Prevette
