S - "Jesus replied: You are nothing but frauds! The prophet Isaiah was right when he wrote that God had said, “All of you revere me with your words, but your hearts are far from me. It is useless for you to worship me, when you teach rules made up by humans.” You disobey God’s commands in order to obey what humans have taught. … And you ignore God’s commands in order to follow your own teaching. You do many other things just as bad." Mark 7:6-8, 13
O - According to Jesus and Isaiah, religion is the leading promoter of useless worship. It inserts itself with attitudes, conclusions and requirements which are polar opposite to God’s person and instruction. The verification of this tragic activity is not found in the method of expressing worship (words, songs, rituals, gatherings etc.) but in the thinking and practice of everyday living.
A - The validation of worship which actually connects with God is not in the words, settings or activities engaged during worship but in the ongoing relational dynamic of daily living. Is my worship useless? Am I giving to the one who asks per the instructions of Jesus or turning away based on the conclusions of human reasoning? Am I learning childlike-living (sheep among wolves) or just trying to be a better version of a wolf? Am I pursuing the ongoing transformation of my heart or just the calibration of my words in certain settings? Is my focus on how things look or how they actually are? I am in the hopes to avoid and refuse the practice of useless worship by assessing my daily living and thinking with the help of God’s spirit and my brothers and sisters.
P - Dear God,
Thank you for the gift of worship given to the world for our benefit - not yours. Am so glad to be learning, growing and changing day by day. I want to possess and offer to you a right heart and authentic living - not merely right words. Convinced of your love and help, this is more than possible. I love you back.