S - "Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose. Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing." Philippians 2:1-4 (NLT)
O - Much is said about agreement when seeking God's help and answers to our prayers/needs. This focus comes to us directly from the mouth of Jesus who said (Matthew 18:19-20 NLT): "I also tell you this: If two of you agree down here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them." A miscue often happens at this point which Philippians 2 helps us overcome and avoid. The agreement is not so much about a goal desired or an accomplishment completed. The agreement is not merely about what we want but more about how we live. According to the Scripture, the attributes of agreement include (require):
1. Loving each other.
2. Working together (interdependent never independent).
3. Refusing to be selfish even about "good causes".
4. Not living to make a good impression on others.
5. Humility by considering others better (more important) than yourself.
6. A genuine interest and involvement in others and what they are doing.
I think this is the agreement Jesus is referencing and this is the agreement that welcomes heaven to earth--deepening encouragement, comfort, fellowship, tenderness and sympathetic hearts … O yes, and awesome answers to anything.
A - There is not much in this list of attributes which seems to be working even when churches, ministries and believers "agree". We tend to tolerate each other at best, invite in only those who have stuff we want, insist on maintaining control, put ourselves forward to make a good impression, look down on all who don't think we're really "hitting the ball" and only pretend to listen and care so that others will listen to us as we make our pitch. This is how we're groomed by our culture (secular and religious) and this is exactly what Jesus wants to crucify in me. He doesn't want me to network he wants me to love. If I do not love I am nothing (not even one thing). It's interesting that Jesus never told the disciples to work harder. He did tell them to love more. I'm going to work/live Jesus' list via Paul rather than the list via culture. I'll keep my heart and life open to any who will agree.
P - Lord who is Awesome,
I praise you for this day and this assignment concerning agreement. Thank you for always letting us ask anything because nothing is impossible, too difficult or too wonderful for you. Thank you for insisting that your children live like your children. Lord, I'm sorry for merely networking when I clearly should have loved. I'm sorry for accepting the deception concerning agreement and the pressure my culture exudes to perform above all else. You will outperform any and all, but you will do so your way. Lord, engage me, enable me, to work with you rather than for you so that agreement will be the way I live with those you have given me. Lord, lead on.