The Kingdom of God is relationships. Relationships are not a byproduct of the Kingdom, they are the Kingdom. Those who are actually following Jesus, rather than claiming to follow him, not only accept this reality – they experience it and live it out day by day. The bottom line of Christianity is theological. The bottom line of God’s Kingdom, according to Jesus, is relational. Jesus’ discussions on prayer, giving, forgiveness, judgment, eternal life and the like all example and confirm relationships as most important.
This simple and straightforward reality is also confirmed in Jesus’ answer to questions four and five posed in the first of these writings. According to Jesus, what is the purpose of the Scriptures; and what is the only marker which confirms someone who is his follower? The answers of Jesus and the answers of religion to these questions are not the same.
If one googles the purpose of Scripture a ton of information is offered from a wide range of Christian sources. Unfortunately, what one doesn’t find from those resources is Jesus’ answer. His answer is direct and crystal clear. It was given while he was talking with the Scripture experts of his day. He said: “You search the Scriptures, because you think you will find eternal life in them. The Scriptures testify of me, but you refuse to come to me for life.” The primary purpose of Scriptures is not to offer promises, principles, truths and history upon which to build one’s world view. Scriptures’ purpose is to inspire only one response. A personal, relational interaction with the person of Jesus who is life. Over the centuries multiple uses of the Scriptures have been engaged by a wide range of individuals, organizations and religions and so it continues to this very day. However, Jesus offers only one purpose for which they were given. To fail at this purpose by those claiming to follow him is to fail completely.
As to the question of validation for those who are actually following him, his words leave no room for debate. This universal identifier is given in terms of a command: “I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you. If you love each other, everyone will know that you are my followers.” Everyone, the world, will know his followers by how they love. It is exclusively a relational marker; no theological examine needed or required. Theology, historic information and ecclesiastical rubrics not included or allowed.
The focus of a Jesusist* (please refer to part one) is Jesus and his person, instructions, teachings and conclusions. His ideas become yours, his answers to questions become your answers. A Jesusist* orders their thoughts, opinions, living and loving according to him. What would it be like if just those who claim to follow him (2.3 billion) actually did?
*not the Urban Dictionary Term