S - "I have loved you, just as my Father has loved me. So remain in my love for you." John 15 TS
O - Jesus provides us the life and words description of his Father’s love. It is unconditional, active and unceasing. It is the only type of relationship he offers or desires. The exact way Jesus is loved by his Father is how we are loved.
A - These almost unbelievable words of Jesus are not being offered to substitute or replace the experiential reality of this love. He did not speak them to give the hundreds of millions who would follow him in the centuries to come a concept to accept and hold on to. This love, underscored and described by these words, is offered to the world (now 7.7 billion) as a relational, personal, ongoing dynamic. It is a love to be known not just known about; and like all loving relationships requires the wills of both parties. Relentlessly and inexhaustibly he asks us all to accept and remain in this love. I admit that we do not control this reality but we do get to choose to participate.
P - Lord who loves the world,
Thank you for giving yourself to us in the only terms which accurately describe your desire and our experience. You love us the way you are loved. Thank you for allowing, wanting and insisting that we experience your love. With you I want to love the way I am being loved.
Refreshed and amazed by your love,