S -"Jesus said, “Simon, listen to me! Satan has demanded the right to test each one of you, as a farmer does when he separates wheat from the husks. But Simon, I have asked God to keep your faith from failing. And when you have returned, help the others.”" Luke 23 TS
O - It’s more than interesting to note that Jesus prayed for Peter’s faith to not fail rather than for him to not fail. The curious thinking and praying of Jesus are even more intensified when considering his earlier description of the penalty for public denial. “If you tell others you belong to me, I will tell my Father in heaven you are my followers. But if you deny me, I will tell my Father in heaven you don’t belong to me (Matthew 10).” Not only so, but after his public failure, Peter’s assignment will be to “help the others.”
A - On just about every topic Jesus really does think very differently and he’s expecting, insisting and helping his followers to do the same. The truth is, Peter has been helping others by his life experience (including his failure) for about two thousand years. I am certainly one of those so helped. His public performance that night was a complete failure. His ongoing response to Jesus, his reliance on and confidence in Jesus, remains a great success. Apparently, Jesus knows that we are (I am) little and weak on our best day and that we will have many days far from best. His response to us all remains “Follow me and I will make you…” I will rely on, have confidence in and follow him day by day!
P - Lord who is life, eternal, vibrant and irrepressible,
Thank you for loving us first, most and for refusing to change your mind even when we give you reasons to. You call us to yourself and to help others with the very help we’ve received from you. I am very anxious for the ongoing change of thinking and living you want in me/us and through me/us. All these years later you remain unintimidated by any failure and unimpressed by any success. Coming near and staying near is the point. Yes to you and to your thinking and living.
All my hope is in you and your relentless love,