S - “Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son.” 2 John1:9NIV
O - Heaven sends Jesus to earth to clarify the person and purposes of God. He himself is the message. He only says what the Father is saying and only does what the Father is doing. Time and again the Scriptures affirm that when we see Jesus we see the One who sent him. Remaining in him and in his words is the assignment for all who want to follow. Teachings about Christ abound. Heaven calls us all to remain in Jesus and is his teaching (teaching of Christ not teaching about Christ).
A - The proper use of the Scriptures is to always begin and end with Jesus (his person, presence and words - the four accounts). He is the author and perfecter/finisher of faith, the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega. We're not supposed to synthesize the Scriptures because he didn't (i.e. flatline them and make them all equally important. Consider the following: Mount of transfiguration, greatest commandment, you have ignored the weightier issues of the law, etc.). According to Jesus, something greater than Solomon, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Jonah, David, the Sabbath, the Temple and the Twelve is here.
P - (prayer from the fourth century):
Whom have we, Lord, like you?
The great one who became small,
the wakeful who slept,
the living one who died,
the king who abased himself to ensure honor for all
blessed is your honor.
It is right that heavenly beings worship your humanity.
It is right that earthly beings worship your divinity.
The heavenly beings were amazed to see how small you became
and earthly ones to see how exalted.