Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Transformation: Near not How; That not When

S - 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV): "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

O - Transformed (μεταμορφόω:  to change into another form) is the point of the work Jesus is doing in everyone who follows him.  He brings us help not self-help; transformation not reformation. The word metamorphosis comes from this Greek verb and is demonstrated in nature by the caterpillar turned butterfly. How does the caterpillar accomplish this?  By being a caterpillar; by simply living out its design as God intended. The caterpillar does not decide when or how this happens.  In Scripture transformation is demonstrated in the life of Jesus when he went up on the mountain and had a chat with Moses and Elijah.  How did Jesus manage this?  By being Jesus.  How do followers of Jesus become a new creation, a transformed human who reflects his glory? By following, by being his disciple, by staying near! Transformation is his work not ours.

A - Caterpillars don't try to become butterflies … they simply do. Jesus wasn't straining to be transfigured … he simply was.  This is the beauty of Jesus and his followers.  He does the transforming, we stay near and follow.  Transformation is so glorious and heavenly we can't do it.  It is his work and spirit in us which accomplishes this change where heaven touches earth and from glory to glory our lives are, my life is, transformed.  Jesus insists that I hold every life in the hope of transformation … even or especially my own.

P - Lord who helps us,
Thank you for this day and the hope of transformation it already contains by your will, design and presence.  I admit that you've already decided that I should be transformed and conformed into the image of Jesus and this I do welcome and believe.  I'll stay near and follow as your friend and disciple … you'll do the transforming.  Jesus, I'm not asking for self-help but help.  I love you back.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Even When You're Perfect Life Still Isn't

S - Mark 3:20-22, (NIV): "Then he [Jesus] went home. Such a large crowd gathered again that Jesus and his disciples couldn't even eat. When his family heard about it, they went to restrain him, because they kept saying, 'He's out of his mind!' The scribes who had come down from Jerusalem kept repeating, 'He has Beelzebul,' and, 'He drives out demons by the ruler of demons.'"

O - What a "great" welcome home.  His family is thinking he's out of his mind. The religious leaders have assessed and concluded that he himself is demonized and is only able to eject demons by Satan himself.  Home may be where "they have to let you in" but it doesn’t mean they're thinking the best of you or your activities.  Jesus will go on to affirm his true family (those who do the will of God) and his home (not in this world).  It is this way for all who are his.  Even when we're home on earth we're not home yet.  And as for the assessment of others Jesus tells us all (Luke 6:26): "How terrible it will be for you when everyone says nice things about you, because that's the way their ancestors used to treat the false prophets."

A - Well, I can say that this dynamic and expert assessment has been a part of my life's experience.  It really does feel terrible but Jesus wants me to not believe how it feels but to trust his description of how it actually is.  He is the perfect human and yet his family relations and the opinion of those with influence are far from what one would expect.  While I can postulate many reasons as to why this is so, Jesus is really not talking much about it.  Apparently he wants me/us to know that this will happen and to be unintimidated or disheartened by it.  While it is never a comfortable dynamic there is a silver lining. Not only has he left me/us this example but he comes near when these dark occurrences cast their shadow over our lives. The shadows can't remain … he is life, light, love and hope.  He dispels darkness and says to all who follow: do not be discouraged because I am with you; do not be dismayed because all authority is mine and I am with you and for you.

P - Lord who knows all about earth,
Thank you for wanting to be near even when our hearts hurt and our minds misfire and emotions are strong and dark.  You not only know the way you are the way … and you have loved us first and most and won't change your mind.  Let me love all, especially those who are set in opposition to me.  Let me be like you and live out loud the beauty of the freedom of forgiveness.  Jesus, today, I will follow, stay near and believe.  My heart is open to you.
I love you back,
