Sunday, March 21, 2021

Clear Vision or Self-deception?

S -
 "Jesus told him, “For judgment I came into this world, so that the blind would see and those who see would become blind.” When the Religious Experts heard Jesus say this, they asked, “Are we blind?” Jesus answered, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty. But now that you claim to see, you will keep on being guilty.”" According to John 9:39-41 TJB

O - What was the basis used by the Religious Experts to conclude they possessed their sight? How did they affirm and validate their "seeing"; a seeing which leaves them guilty in the most tragic way? While the story does not go on to answer these questions directly, we can identify some of the claims, validations and causes for their self-deception and blindness.  They were experts in scripture, knowledgeable and well-trained.  They were the inheritors of an unbroken tradition from Moses and leaders in the dynamics which shaped the culture/religion of the day. How could they not be sighted? So profuse is their self-deceived and self-imposed blindness (which they considered to be clear sighted reality) they will go on to refuse and reject the Messiah, condemn and demand his death.  In truth, they rejected the one who fulfilled all of the markers and prophecies given by the scriptures they used to validate themselves. How blind and sad is that?  And yet, are these not the same claims and validations used by the spiritual and religious leaders of our day?  They all, regardless of religion, use these to claim sight, validation, vindication; the very thing which is blindness and unrelenting guilt, according to Jesus. He says: “Your eyes are the lamp for your body. When your eyes are good, you have all the light you need. But when your eyes are bad, everything is dark. So be sure your light isn’t darkness. If you have light, and nothing is dark, then light will be everywhere, as when a lamp shines brightly on you." [Luke 11:34-36 TJB]  


A - Whoa!  I am a leader, one fairly well skilled and trained in scripture.  How am I assessing my "seeing" and what is the metric of such for validation in my life? How do I avoid the self-deception which inspired the tragic thinking and actions of the Religious Experts; and which ends in a self-imposed blind-guilt?  Just like the man born blind, safety and seeing will not come through my interface with the scriptures, religion or culture.  It is obtained exclusively by interface with the person of Jesus.  Ongoing interface with his person, presence and spirit gives sight; not the culture, religion or even the verses of one's best known passages of scripture. Light, not information, is required for us to be able to see.  "Once again Jesus spoke to the people saying, “I am the light of the world! Follow me, and you won’t be walking in the dark. You will have the light that gives life.”" [John 8:12 TJB] Sight, light, freedom, life is in a person not a principle, religious practice or a scripture.  Seeing is from him and in him … and he is validation enough for all who follow.  


P - Lord,

I admit that without you darkness, self-deception and blindness will be my status; even if I hold scriptural insights or principles. You are life and light and I rely on you to enable my seeing, following, living and loving. 

You really are validation enough,


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